We Are a Movement

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It's the Friday we have waited for since the last

With clenching anticipation, like when their eyes widen

Right before they ask us the questions

And smack labels onto distant relatives we don't give a shit about

We huddle to the loud, bright rainbows amidst the inky, quiet night

Where we dance away the "sir" that should have been a "ma'am,"

And the confused, lonely handholding in the back of the car

The feeling that we can never really be us

Because our love is too different

We cast transient spells in dance circles,

Rituals to heal the things inside us

Broken by the pressures to be normal

I don't feel lonely for those few hours

The vibrations from my hips remind me

That I am not alone, that they know my pain

You stand against the wall, shadowed

Insulated in your own little world,

Finding the quietest spots among the noise

Appreciating it all, these beautiful moments

That will only happen tonight

I move over the dance floor in a trance,

Becoming part of a things I never imagined

Forgetting the long sleeves and makeup

Feeling waves of touch, music, and sensation

And what didn't shake me until now

That we are a movement

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