0 + 0 = Infinity

8 1 0

0 is the absence of value, nothing, a placeholder

It is the number of words you've given me since we broke up,

The days I have gone without thinking about you,

And the people I have loved more than you

0 is an eraser,

Because I can't remember is the smell of your cologne

Until I'm crying because some other guy was wearing it

Because I can't remember you phone number

Until I'm drunk enough to think you could have changed

And cut fresh trenches to one-way drunken texts

Digging for frayed electrical cord emotions

That don't charge anymore

0 is the loneliness I feel without you,

Remembering how 2 zeros could hold hands and make infinity

Or 8 if they were kissing on the couch

0 is code for "off" in binary,

Like everything but you when we were together,

Because no matter how large, ∞ * 0 is always 0

And that's the easiest thing to understand

Dividing by 0 is impossible,

Like leaving when you still love someone

Trying to keep the universe in your hands

After it has turned to water

I'm sorry I wasn't enough,

Sorry that 0 + 0 is still 0

Sorry that nothing makes sense

Because you aren't here

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