36. Chapter - Mood

Start from the beginning

"Matt, calm down a little. You'll have the whole afternoon to talk to and play with your father," I said when we got out of the car and he started to run around, probably looking for Victor.

I locked the car, leaving for the park nearby. We were supposed to meet there in ten minutes, and my nerves were a mess. My stomach was in knots. I had no idea what to expect from the meeting, and it was driving me crazy. Everything could turn nasty in a matter of few minutes, and that was what scared me the most.

"Dad!" Matt's sudden shout startled me, my head spinning around to see Victor coming towards us with a big bag in one hand and a broad smile on his face.

"Hey big guy! How've you been?" he crouched down, putting the bag away and waiting for Matthias to run to him. It was like the typical slowed down movie scene. He run to Vic's spread out arms, hugging him as if they knew each other their whole lives and hadn't seen each other for a long time. My heart squeezed, muddle of emotions fighting inside of my whole being. I wasn't sure whether I was feeling sad, happy or guilty. I couldn't tell if the pain in my chest was due to the fact I denied Matt his dad for such a long time or whether I was scared for the future. All I knew was I was feeling emotions I didn't like.

After what seemed like forever, Matt let go, grinning widely.

"Great! What about you?"

Victor ruffled his hair, saying something I couldn't quite hear and standing up, slowly walking towards me.

"Hello, Oliver. I'm glad you could make it. Shall we go to the park or do you want to go somewhere else first?" he asked, smiling in a way I almost thought he was being sincere. Almost.

"Hi. We agreed on a picnic, right? So let's get going." I looked away right after I finished the sentence, eyes keeping on our son. I couldn't help but feel stressed. There was just no way I could relax in front of Victor. If I wasn't mentally exhausted by the end of this day, it would be a miracle.

"Right." I could hear a change in his voice, but it was the last thing I wanted to occupy my mind with at the moment.

Ready to start our way so this nightmare would be over as soon as possible, my heart jumped up when I saw Vic leaning closer to me.

"You don't have to be so tense. I'm not gonna bite you. I just want to spend some time with you and Matthias," he whispered, giving me goosebumps. I hated myself for being so weak to his voice. The time when I was in love with this bastard was over and done with. Feeling this way even though I was in a happy relationship was beyond ridiculous. It was probably because of all the stress and lack of sleep, but that was no excuse whatsoever.

"Whatever. Let's go," I grumbled, trying my hardest not to come off as angry. Matt was too close to us, and he didn't need to see us arguing.

Getting to the park, I was surprised to see Nels standing by a blanket, a big hamper standing on it. He was looking in the distance, his eyes somehow glazed over. It was as if he sensed us, his head turned, his smile wavering for a second. It was interesting to see, and I was damn curious why he did that, but it was gone the moment it appeared. I was probably just seeing things. The lack of sleep did that.

"Ollie! Nice to see you again. And who is this? Are you the famous Matty I heard about all day yesterday?" He looked at my baby, grinning.

"Your dad wouldn't stop talking about you at all. He was excited to see you!"

Matthias' eyes went large, turning towards Victor with curious eyes. It didn't take even a second for him to laugh, forgetting his initial shock of a stranger talking to him.

"Nelson, go away," Vic mumbled, earning a grin and a friendly punch in the shoulder.

"Aw, don't be shy! You should be thanking me for staying here and watching your things! But yeah, I'll be going. I have better things to do. See you!" He nodded at me and started to walk away without another word.

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now