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~You've got all of me.
I belong to you.
Yeah, you're my everything~


8 Years Later.....

"Aaannnddd cut. Good job Hailee. We'll send your script for the scene tomorrow. Pack up everyone." Our director shouted.

These 8 years have been the most amazing years of my life. I was currently on the set of my upcoming movie. I had graduated from Yale 2 years ago. I still did a few concerts here and there. Last year I released another album. All the articles and tv shows said that I was back with a bang.

It felt amazing to be up on the stage, around the world. I took a break from singing and got into acting, as drama was my major in Yale.

Ryder had graduated from NYU and was now working on his new book. Yes, he became a writer. He always wanted to be one. And he also did a few art shows, cause he was amazing in it. But he liked writing more than art.

These years have gone by in complete peace. It was weird to live such a normal life. Me and Ryder have been with each other since high school and we've never been apart since then.

It's like I fell in love with him every day.

I packed up my bag that I take with me to the set and walked towards my car. I waved at my costars and unlocked my car. I got into my car drove towards the cemetery.

I bought two bouquets of roses and walked inside the graveyard.

You think that after being in a graveyard so many times, that I would get used to it. But it gives me chills everytime, being surrounded by the dead.

I walked towards the two tombstones. Their graves were side by side.




My dad passed away into my 4th year of college. His heart condition finally caught upto him. We all were devastated. But now we were doing fine. It still hurt a lot.

And Mike's grave was my actual brother's grave. Not the psycho stalker. Whose real name was Noel Fitz.

He was in a mental asylum. I had thoughts about visiting him a few times but they vanished as soon as they came. I was still terrified of him.

I sat down on the ground and talked for a while with both of them. It hurt a lot that I never knew my brother. That I will never get to know him.

I was about to leave when my phone beeped.

Ryder: Meet me at our special garden. And wear you red dress. I love you.

I smiled at that. He still managed to make my heart flutter with just one text.

There was this amazing garden somwhere secluded which was kinda like a flowery maze. And it became our spot. People usually never went there.

I went home and quickly showered and changed into the dress. I dried my hair and put on some makeup.

I got into my car again and drove towards the garden. I texted him before leaving and he said for me to wait for him at the gate.

As soon as I reached there I got out and waited for him at the gate. A few minutes passed by and he didn't show up.

I texted him asking where the hell he was.

Ryder: The third flower pot on your right will give you the answer.

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