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                 ~I know where you hide
                       Alone in your car.

                   Know all of the things
            That makes you who you are.

                  I know that goodbye
                 Means nothing at all.

          Comes back and make me catch
             Her everytime she falls~


I woke up the day after with swollen eyes. My cheeks were tear stained and red. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes yawning. My phone beeped, indicating a text. I picked it up to see Ryder's text. I frowned. Why did he message me so early in the morning?

Ryder: Be ready.

Ohh. I forgot I was supposed to go an an adventure with him today. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited but I didn't wanna show it.

Me: Yayy I'm sooooo excited.

Ryder: I know you're rolling your eyes right now. At least be a little better at lying.

Me: I guess I should've learnt how to lie a little better.

Ryder: Yup you should've. I'll be there in 2 hours. Be ready, Rose.

My heart fluttered when I read his text. I didn't know how he had this effect on me just by calling me Rose. I smiled at the thought.

I threw on a white v-neck with black ripped jeans and a maroon hoodie. I went downstairs. There was this excitement within me. Like a dinosaur spitting fire in my belly. I was surprised to feel this way. Maybe because I don't really feel anything anymore other than anger. I was putting on my sneakers when Mike's face appered in my peripheral vision.

"Going somewhere?" He said sternly. "Yeah." I said not telling him about Ryder. "With who?" He said. He was always so nosy. "Just a friend." I said dismissing him as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Do I know this friend?" He said not giving up in being nosy. "Why do you always have to be so nosy? You're not my dad Mike so back off." I said coldly.

"Why is it so hard for you to understand that I'm only looking out for you?" He said angrily. "I'm older than you Mike. I can take care of myself. I don't need you giving me orders okay?" I said, calmly. "Don't give me that "I'm older than you" crap. You could just tell me who you're going out with and I'll back off." He said.

"Fine! You wanna know? I'm going out with Crystal. There. You happy?" I said, making my to the front door. He blocked my way. I groaned internally.

"But you and Crystal are not friends anymore." He said, smirking at me. "What, you keep tabs on me now? Seriously Mike. BACK OFF! And I mean it." I said shoving him to the side and walked out of the house. I was so angry at him. Who does he think he is giving me orders like that?


Because of the fighting I forgot to have breakfast. So I texted Ryder about where I'll be and went into the small retro cafe. It was surprisingly full, considering no one really came around here. I ordered blueberry pancakes with chocolate milkshake.

I sat down in the booth looking through the glass. I saw Ryder approaching the cafe. The cafe door opened, singnaling his entrance. I turned around to see him making his way to me. All eyes turned towards him. Especially girl's eyes which lingered a little longer on him than necessary. I rolled my eyes at those girls.

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