19 6 7

~See the sunlight.
We ain't stopping.
Keep on dancing till the world ends.
If you feel it.
Let it happen.
Keep on dancing till the world ends~


It was last week before graduation. Me and Ryder have been back from New York for like a week now. We both saw our universities. We both knew what we wanted in life.  And I was happy.

There was still no sign of the psycho stalker. Maybe it was all over now. Maybe the psycho got bored and left us alone.

We were all in the library, waiting in line for shelve signing. It was this tradition thing that each year every senior leaves their initials on a particular book shelf. The whole book shelf was empty because there were initials from the past seniors written on it.

I moved forward in line and took the black sharpie the guy was giving everyone to sign the shelf.

I signed my intials H.E and gave Ryder the sharpie to Luke as he did the same.
After that we all went in the school hallways.

Time to fuck some shit up!!


We were in the school after 6 pm. Everyone was there to destroy the school. We all charged towards the school doors letting out war-cries.

We all first decided to take thousands of toilet papers and decided to strung them up everywhere. We broke the legs of chairs.

We also laid out blocks in every class. Every one was having fun. We went to the school's swimming pool and threw paint in the water everywhere.

After doing everything, we all went to the football field and music started playing from the announcement speakers as the party started. There was alot of booze.

We were all wild. This was the right way to leave this school. I was helping myself to a cup of beer when Luke came towards me with a guy that looked about our age and a girl that looked like a sophomore.

"It's seniors party little one. You're not allowed here." I said, giggling. I was drunk.

"I know that. I just wanted to see what was going on. I'll leave soon." She just smiled at me.

"Hailee you remember Max right? He was in our chemistry class? Remember the time we messed up some mixture and the whole class blew up with smoke." Luke said.

"Oh yeah. Max the Smoky Smokerson. How are you dude? It's been wayyyy too long." I said, stumbling a little.

"I'm good. And you're drunk. Keep an eye on her, man." He said to Luke.

"Hey! You're not my dads." I said.

"No we're not. But you can call us both daddies." Max said, chuckling.

"Fuck off dude. This one's taken." Two arms wrapped around me as Ryder's vocie filled my ears.

"Heyyyy. It's my lil bitch." I said, in a baby's voice.

"You let her call you Little Bitch!? Man you're so whipped." Max said, laughing along with Luke.

"Yeah I am." Ryder said, kissing my cheek.

Max's little sister was nowhere to be found. She was still here. She was crashing our senior's party. That's just rude. And I saw the way she looked at Ryder. She was a child for goodness sake.

I cut off my beer drinks, and instead stuck with water, to get myself sober enough to remember this night.

A hand enclosed around my arm. I turned behind to see Max's little sister. She was smiling at me, creepily might I add.

"Hey you're Hailee, right?" She asked as if she didn't know my name.

"Yeah. And you're a girl I don't know." I said.

"Oh my name's Alexandria." She said.

"Well what can I do for you, Alexia?" I said, messing up her name. I was still drunk. She just smiled.

"Are you and Ryder close?" She asked in an accusatory tone.

That's what that was about. She had a crush on my boyfriend. I decided not to tell her about us, just to see if her intentions were right.

"Yeah. Kinda." I said, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Yeah I saw. Stay away from him, okay. He's mine." She said, glaring at me.

"Aren't you like, 10? Or something?" I said, incredulously.

"I'm 14." She said, stomping her foot.

"Yeah you're definitely 10. And who the hell are you to tell me to stay away from him?" I said.

"Because he was always mine. He just doesn't know yet. So I suggest you stay away from him." She said, smirking.

"Yeah. Or what?" I said. I was enjoying this way too much.

"You wouldn't want those intruder incidents happening again now, do you?" She said, smirking evilly.

My heart rate sped up. So all this time it was this bitch. I raised my hand up and punched her in the face three times.

"If you really think that your childish games can scare me away, You got another thing coming. Now run along, Kid. And if you even look at Ryder, so God help me, the next funeral in this town will be yours." I said, my tone ice cold.

Her eyes flashed with fear. As she ran away she screamed "You won't get away with this."

I just rolled my eyes. Good thing that was over. Ryder found me and immediately started asking questions.

"I saw what happened. What was it about? Your hands are bleeding." He said, his eyes searching mine frantically.

"Oh it was nothing. Some kids need to know that they can't get everything they want. Especially what's mine." I said, pecking his lips.

He just looked confused as we both went back into the crowd of wild students, and danced like a bunch of lunatics.


This was a pretty short and shitty chapter. I apologize. Writer's block is a bitch😑

Question of the day!!

Marvel or DC??

I prefer both❤

Leave your answers in the comments ❤

Until next time.

M.K 💖

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