19 5 0

~She made her way to the bar.
I tried to talk to her.
But she seemed so far.
Outta my league.
I had to find a way to get her next to me~


I was engulfed in constant paranoia. There were two people involved now.

If it wasn't Luke, then why did Andrea say his name? Why did she say 'save me'?

I kept walking with these thoughts towards school. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if someone was following me.

Now I couldn't even rely on the thought of it just being my paranoia. It was real. I was being watched. I knew it.

I speed walked towards school. Once I was inside with a hundreds of students, I felt a little relieved.

Ryder joined me as soon as I entered the school. We both walked hand in hand to class. Everyone I knew stopped us along the way and shared their condolences for Andy.

I bit my lip hard trying to keep the tears at bay. Ryder kept giving me reassuring squeezes on my hand.

I don't know what I would do without him. From the corner of my eye I saw Luke staring at us. His eyes held a sad expression. I smiled a little at him. At then his eyes lit up and he smiled.

I saw hope in his eyes. How I longed to have that hope in me. My head hung low as I walked with Ryder in the class.

I sat down beside him. Crystal came up to me and gave her condolences to me. For once it actually looked like she was sincere.

I just wished this day would go by without these people giving me sympathetic looks. They all said how much they loved her and all.

If they really did love her they would've come to her funeral at least.
It made me furious that these guys were being fake. If they would've just said that they didn't know Andy at all and were still sorry for her death that would've been nice.

I wanted honesty from people. Not some made up stories of them with Andy.

Let this day be over soon. God knows how much strength I have left.


After the school was finally over, I walked towards the parking lot. Now that I was out in the open again, the paranoia came back. My hands were constantly shaking.

I balled my hands into fists as I speedwalked towards the exit. A hand enclosed around my wrist and pulled me back.

Ryder's familiar arms came around me as I settled in his embrace. For a second, I thought it was somebody else.

"You look like you're about to pass out." He said, smiling.

"You should look like me too. I'm scared Ryder. And I don't know what to do."

"You need to loosen up. I'm worried too. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun." He said, pulling me towards his car.

"I don't think it's a good idea."

"Maybe. But that doesn't mean we're not gonna risk it." He smiled.

"Our lives are already risky enough. I want normality for a day." I groaned, settling in his car.

"Then I'll give you normality. Now stop whining and enjoy the ride."

He drove for a while. I soon realized we were at a club. A club I went to with him. Our first deal.

I smiled at the memories. It seemed so long ago. When I didn't have to worry about a psycho stalker. I shook the thoughts away as Ryder opened my door. We got out of the car and walked inside.

It wasn't crowded at the moment. We sat down in a booth and ordered some drinks.

"Remember how we stood up there and sang?" Ryder said, smiling.

"Yup. By the way you suck at singing."

"Oh yeah? Ok then. I'll never sing for you again."

"Good cause my life could use not hearing you sing like a hyena on Marijuana." I laughed at him.

"You know what I was gonna sing for you up there. But it looks like that's not gonna happen. I'm hurt. HURT." He put his hand on his heart, faking a dramatic sad look.

"Get up there and sing for me." I said.

I was clearly joking when I said he couldn't sing. Because, MAN! He was more talented than me.

"Only if you'll say that I'm the greatest singer in the world and that you love me and worship me." He grinned mischievously.

"Little bitch." I said, laughing.

"Did you just call me little bitch?" He said.

"I soooo did." It was hard not to laugh.

He just grinned and got up to go towards the karaoke machine. A familair tune started playing as he held a mic in his hand and looked at me.

I enjoyed listening to his amazing voice. His eyes were on me the whole time. I felt at peace. I always like this song of 'The Maine'.

After he stopped singing he dropped me home. I wasn't ready to let him go just yet, so I took him inside.

The detective who were working on Andy's case were sitting in our living room.

"It's hard to determine what the murder weapon is but we think it must have been an icicle which explains all the water that was around her when she died. The person who killed her was very clever to use a sharp icicle which leaves us with no murder weapon. But don't worry we'll figure out who did this. And make sure he or she is punished severely." The detective walked out and wished a good day to me and Ryder and left.

If there is no murder weapon, it makes figuring out who did this to Andy more difficult. A head ache was starting to form in my hand. Ryder took me by the hand and pulled me towards the stairs.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up to see a message.

Unknown No:

I can see you Hailee. It's not nice to neglect my commands. I'm gonna have to punish you now. Cuz you've been a very bad girl.

I didn't have time to even react when my window's glass shattered and pierced my skin.

Blood was the last thing I saw as I succumbed to darkness.


Sup?? Did you like it?? Consider giving it a vote??

I was going through a major writer's block. So I'm sorry if this chapter sucks😊

Question of the day!!

Your favourite quote from any book??

"That's the thing about Pain. It demands to be felt." ~Fault in our Stars~

"Like a compass's needle which always points north. A man's accusing finger always points at a woman~ Thousand splendid suns~

These are mine❤ (Although I haven't read a thousand splendid suns, I just love that quote.

Leave your answers in the comments ❤

Until next time.

M.K 💖

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