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~When you said your last goodbye.
I died a little bit inside.
I lay in tears in bed all night.
Alone without you by my side~


These past few days have been nothing but hell. The pain from Andrea's death is still fresh. I feel like I've lost a part of myself. I've lost my soulmate. My best friend. My Andy.

Ryder has been with me through everything. Mike has also forgotten about all of our fights and he's being there for me.

It was clear that Andrea was murdered. The police has been looking into it. They keep searching coming to search for our house.

I haven't told the police about what Andrea said to me about Luke. I could be wrong about Luke. But if it was Luke who did it, I won't let them put him in jail.

I will kill him with my bare hands.

I don't care if that makes me a murderer. I will kill him for what he did. Or didn't.

Chris has left town. The memories of Andrea was too much for him. I can't even imagine how he must be feeling. My heart breaks for him.

The detective that was working on Andrea's case told us there was no murder weapon. If there was no murder weapon, it made their investigation ten times harder.

I spent most of my time sitting in the graveyard, beside Andrea talking to her. What's worse is that I don't see her like I used to see Landon. I stopped seeing him too.

This pain. It just won't go away. It keeps getting worse and worse. I feel like it will swallow me whole. I'm drowning in it. And it's hard to keep my head above water.

And I'm scared shit less that this time, I will give in to the pain. I will drown willingly.


Luke has been MIA since I tried to kill him. But I can't kill him. I can't become a murderer like him. Instead I'll hurt him. I'll hurt him really, really badly.

He tried to tell me that he didn't do it. But who else could it be? Who else could hate me that much to kill someone I love. For all I know, he could've killed Landon just because he hated to see me happy.

Just like he was trying to kill me and Ryder. But I still remember the intruder in my house who tried to kill me. The intruder was definitely a woman with manicured nails.

I bet it must be Crystal working with him to make our lives hell. Or it must be someone else. I don't know what to think.

My life has a become an episode of Pretty Little Liars. (Wink wink😉)

I'm so clueless. I don't know where to start. I mean I know it is Luke. But maybe Andy was trying to say something else. Ryder doesn't believe that Luke did it.

I want to believe him. I really do. But I have mixed feelings about Luke. I think he did it. But then I also think someone else did it.

God! I should stop thinking so much.

A knock was on my door. I mumbled a 'come in'.

"Hey how you holding up?" Ryder came in through the door.

"My head is going to explode from thinking so much."

"Then stop. I might have something that will take your mind off of everything."

"Oh thank god." I said, running my hands on my face.

He pulled me up by my arms and made me sit on a stool he brought in the room. He then, position a stand in front of me, the one you use to paint.

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