15 6 3

It was dark. I was somewhere. But it was so dark I couldn't see anything. At first I thought I was in a dark room. But then I realized I was blindfolded. I tugged my hands down. The clinking of metal made me realize that I was chained.

"Hello. Is anyone there?" I screamed.

No reply came. I tugged the chains. Nothing happened. The metal dug into my wrist painfully, surely leaving a bruise.

"Help. Help me please." I screamed again.

No answer again. I kept tugging the chains. I grabbed onto the chain and tried to slip my hand out of the cuff. Which proved to be useless. I cried out at the searing pain in my wrist.

Yup. It is definitely broken.

I tried not to focus on the pain of my broken wrist. I tried yanking the chains again but this time I tried to be a little careful with my still intact hand as the other was useless now.

There was no progress in freeing myself from the chains. But all the movements of my head caused the blindfold to loosen. It slipped from my eyes and was now around my neck.

I blinked my eyes a few time trying to focus. The first thing I realized that I was in some kind of a basement. I looked up to see a little window. Daylight was pouring in.

Wait daylight!! How long was I out for?

I looked down to see that I was still in my party dress. It didn't take a genius to know that I was kidnapped. But by who?

I wracked my brain trying to remember the night. All I remembered was that Luke brought me out and then I was kidnapped.


It was all his doing. He lured me out.

That son of a bitch!!

Where the hell was I? I screamed again. I kept screaming until my throat was sore.

"For the love of God, shut up bitch." A voice said. It sounded familiar.

There she was. Alexandria. Max's little sister. The psycho stalker. Ryder's groupie. Fucking...

I should really stop with the namecalling.

"Alexandria." I gritted my teeth in anger.

"Surprised to see me?" She smirked. If only I wasn't chained I would litreally punch that smirk off of her face.

"Not in the least. I knew this was gonna happen." I said, faking nonchalance.

"See Hailee. I told you to stay away from what's mine. Why don't you listen to me?" She said as if she was talking to a baby.

"Yeah. I can't take you seriously when you look like a 10 year old." I said, trying to get a rise out of her.

It surely did. But it wasn't good on me. She slapped me. She fucking slapped me.

"You know that mouth of yours is gonna get you in big trouble. Finally you're away from Ryder. Now I can finally have him." She said, sighing dreamily.

"Yeah dream on, kid. Ryder only thinks of you as a kid." I said, chuckling humourlessly.

She was a kid for God's sake.

"Not if I seduce him. He will not be able to resist me." She said, smirking.

"That's the difference between you and me. Ryder CHOSE ME. Not you. And YOU are just running after him like a lost puppy. He loves ME. Not YOU." I said, emphasizing every word.

"You bitch. After I get rid of you. He's gonna be so sad and heartbroken. I will swoop in. Make him see that I'm the best thing to ever happen to him. And then we'll be together forever." She said.

"Yeah the only relation you're gonna have with him is of brother and sister." I snorted.

She came towards me, of course to slap me again but I kicked her leg so hard, she fell on the concrete floor and cracked her head.

Blooed oozed out of her head as she just laid there. Satisfaction filled me seeing her head open.

She wasn't dead but she was severely injured. Serves her right.

A few moments later a guy or a girl walked down the stairs in all black clothing, picked her up and took her upstairs. I kept screaming after him or her to release me.

It was Luke. I could tell it was him. Who else could it be?

Again the guy/girl came downstairs and injected me before I could protest.

I soon fell into a deep sleep.


Very short chapter. I know. I'm sorry. I'm busy with exams and stuff😑

No song for this chapter cuz I don't know which song will suit this chapter.

Two chapters left😭😭😭

Question of the day!!

Tell me at least 2 facts about you.

1. I have lost a permanent tooth😂 I lost it when I was 7. How? Can't tell you it's really embarrassing😂

2. The only people who know I write stories are my sisters, my brother, 2 or 3 czns and one best friend😂

Leave your answers in the comments ❤

Until next time.

M.K 💖

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