entry #9

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i threw those threats away,

they wouldn't do anything to me anyway.

would they?

i went to the toilet during lesson

and yet found myself

being locked up in the cubicle

and having two buckets of dirty water

being poured all over me.

i smelt like the sewers

yet all i could think of was those threats

and i prayed to God

that this didn't-hadn't

happened to you too.

it was risky

doing what you did

at the party,

when we walked hand in hand.

but this was what was expected,

i should have seen this coming,

yet why was there a pit

that seemed to be growing in my stomach?

an endless,

pitch black hole

that made me feel as if i was being eaten up.

eventually they released the cubicle door

and i walked out to find you

washing your hands with soap

while your friends all stood by

two empty buckets



and overall just


i ran over to you

but didn't hug you,

in case i dirtied you with my wet clothes.

i chose to believe that maybe,

just maybe,

you were the one that saved me,

the one that opened the cubicle to set me free.

it seemed like my worst nightmare had come true,

the moment you finished washing your hands.

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