entry #3

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it wasn't exactly a date today

more of something you had done.

i had always been bullied at school

but today you backed me up.

they called me names like




"man stealer"

and i admit

it hit me hard.

i always accepted what they called me

and the beatings that followed up.

at least that's what happens usually

but today i took none.

you stood up for me

and i was touched.

you beat them up for me.

and when the principal called to ask what's up

they tried to blame it on me.

how i asked you to beat them up

and to call my parents to come.

but you told them it was not my fault

and the truth spilt out of your mouth.

everyone around us had their mouths agape

then started to back you up.

they told the truth

and had enough

so the bullies went into the office.

they came out with a scowl

on that day

and threatened us to watch out.

but you told me not to be afraid then

and we went out for lunch.

you paid again

to which i felt bad

but you said to just enjoy.

i took what you said

and the food that you gave

and ate it heartily.

it was a great day for me then,

and i hope it was for you too

because i really loved you.

you intertwined our hands as we were eating

and i tensed up just a bit

i relaxed after a few seconds

and smiled and continued to eat.

i loved how you didn't care

that many were starring at our hands.

i loved how caring you were towards me

and how you made sure i was fine.

i'll do this to you one day as well

where i'll make you feel loved and protected.

don't get me wrong,

i love you so

but i hope to show it better in the future.

you're the first person that has treated me so well

that i honestly can't let you go.

so if one day we ever do break up

i really hope not though.

but if that day really comes,

i'll gladly bid you goodbye.

not because i never loved you so

but because you deserved better

than what i can offer.

but while i have you in my arms now

and with me in your heart,

i'll show all the love i can show

and hopefully you'll see it well.

i love you.

date (book #1)Where stories live. Discover now