entry #6

10 1 1

you were down with the flu

so i decided to video call you.

it was sudden

but i hope you liked it.

we talked for hours

and hours

and hours

yet we never got bored.

i swear i was supposed to complete my homework

but speaking with you made me feel at ease

as if time passed by even slower than it should have.

"i wish i could touch your cheek,

brush those lips with mine,

and cuddle with you all day.

but i'm stuck here

behind this damned screen.

but i'd rather not pass my flu to my cutie.

drink more water, alright, beautiful?"

was what you said

before i had to shut my computer down

since i heard my parents opening the door.

it wasn't that i was ashamed of you,

i hope i explained my reason enough for you to understand

that i love you so much,

i would never be ashamed.

it's just some


that has caused me to be like this.

i love you



and i hope you get well soon

my little flu-ffy bunny

so i can cuddle with you



i hope.

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