Chapter 9

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"Well we've recently discovered something that could be critical in Voltron's mission" Allura said with a stern yet soft look on her face.

"Well, what is it?" Zoe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ami is the purple paladin"

Zoe's eyes instantly turned to ami

"And from what we know it seems like you are the pink paladin"

Allura cautiously looked at the two girls. Ami seemed to be wearing a normal expression where as Zoe looked completely shocked.

"What does that mean?" she asked quietly.

"Well it hopefully means that by finding the pink and purple lions, voltron will become stronger"

"That's a good thing right?"

"Yes it's a great thing...however for this to actually happen, you'll have to give up something as well..."

"Like what?" Zoe tilted her head in confusion waiting for Allura to reply.

"I'm afraid to use the two new lions we'd need both paladins onboard...therefore you'd have to stay with us in the castle of lions"

Both girls stayed silent. Ami looked to Zoe for some sort of opinion on the whole matter; a hopeful gleam could be seen in her eyes as she waited for Zoe to break the silence.


Everyone's eyes widened at the tone of Zoe's voice. She crossed her arms and looked at Ami, her usual stubborn look on her face.

"What do you mean no?" Ami asked turning to Zoe.

"I mean that I'm not staying here, I'm going back home"

Ami frowned at her, "Zoe that place was no home"

Zoe looked up with a glare "no Ami, that place was home to me, they looked after us when no one else would" the blonde haired girl's voiced got louder.

"You might not have felt like you had a home but I did" Ami's eyes narrowed at Zoe's last comment.

"Zoe, I no longer have a home, I physically can't go back, I was supposed to be leaving tomorrow but I just couldn't bring up the courage to tell you!" Ami raised her voice at the girl in agitation.

Zoe went silent, staring wide eyed at her red head friend.

"But fine...if that's what you really want, I'm sure Allura can get you back to your home but I'm staying here, with or without you"

Ami gave her a cold glare before stalking off whilst Zoe stared slightly wide eyed at her own and Ami's outburst.

Tears made their way to her face as she hesitantly stepped back looking at the shocked faces of the paladins.

"Zoe...Are you alright?"

Allura takes a step forwards towards the young blonde attempting to calm her but Zoe took another step back away from all of the paladins and Allura.

"What have I done...I-

She choked on her words so she was unable to say anything properly; she took one last look at group in front of her before running away from them in the other direction to where Ami had run off to.

"I'm such an idiot"

"Zoe, wait!" Allura called after the short, blonde haired girl, but it was too late she was already gone.

"What do I do...I can't just leave her there" She panicked.

"What about Ami, everyone seems to be forgetting about her in this it was her fault" Keith said with annoyance as he put his sword away.

"What are you talking about I'm not forgetting about her I'm just sure she's fine- she did seem like the stronger one of the bunch so I'm just more worried about Zoe" Allura said justifying herself to Keith.

He raised an eyebrow at her in disbelief before turning in the direction Ami had ran in.

"Yeah well I'm going after her; you go and do what you want"

With that he ran down the corridor in hopes of finding the usually smug, red head. He ran to her room first but she wasn't there and so he just ran around in hopes he could hear or see her.

He'd been running for awhile when he finally ran past a room, but stopped a few metres ahead after hearing sobs coming from it. He walked back and slowly knocked on the door.

"Ami, you in there?"

A few more sniffles came before a reply, "W-who is it?"

"It's Keith, I'm coming in okay"


He opened the door to find Ami bundled up in the corner her head rested on her knees staring up at him. He frowned as he looked at her eyes, they were red and puffy.

"So you can cry"

"Shut up"

He walked over to her and sat down allowing silence to take over for a while before talking again.

"So what happened out there?"

"I-I don't know..."

"What did you mean by you had no home?"

"We're orphans"

"Oh I'm sorry..."

She chuckled slightly and shook her head, wiping at her eyes.

"No you have no need to be sorry, being an orphan wasn't all that bad, it certainly had its perks, this orphan was connected to the garrison so those who wanted to could go and work over there when they grew up"

"The Garrison, I've heard of that orphanage actually, so why is it that you don't want to go home, you don't have to stay just because of the pressure of saving the universe is on you- we have voltron already"

"It's not that, it's because I can't go back, I'm 18 next week so they were moving to the Garrison tomorrow as I'm no longer able to stay there...unlike Zoe"

"I see..."

"I should probably go and apologise to Zoe about what I said to her...I guess I was just angry because she was being selfish...she didn't understand where I was coming from but that's not her fault"

"Don't think like that, don't always put the blame on yourself, you have to think about yourself as well as her"


Another tear fell down Ami's cheek against her will, she wiped it away quickly and apologised for crying in front of him.

"Don't apologise"

"Thanks Keith"

She smiled and stood up about to walk away from him but he grabbed her arm stopping her from moving.

"Wait I have something else to ask you"


"That sword you have...where did you get it from?"

She took out the sword that was stuffed down her side, "You mean this?"


"I don't know where I got it from; all I know is that one of my parents gave it to me because I've had it for as long as I can remember"

His eyes lit up as he took his own blade out, Ami's eyes widened at the sight of it.

"Y-you have one as well?"


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