Chapter 6

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They all make their way onto the Altean ship, Zoe resting against Ami as they walked, it had taken a lot out of her and it was surprising she was still able to stand straight, let alone walk.

"Hey, err Keith; do you think it's possible she can rest for a bit?"

The red paladin looked at Ami and smiled sympathetically, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"Of course she should rest too, especially since you were fighting the Galra..."

"I'm assuming that's the name of the aliens that kidnapped us"

He nodded his head at her before walking over to the rest of the paladins, leaving Ami and Zoe to themselves.

"I want to go home Ami"

"I know you do"

Ami and Zoe wondered through the halls of the ship before making their way to the control room. In the room were two new faces, Allura, the white haired woman and Coran the man with the moustache. Zoe chuckled quietly at his appearance whilst Ami made sure they were a good distance away from them, you could never be too cautious.

Allura looked at the two girls, disappointment clearly on her face. She was hoping that they were Altean's like her but they weren't just ordinary human beings.

"Welcome aboard...I'm glad you two are safe, my name is Allura it's a pleasure to meet you"

Zoe hid herself behind Ami allowing her to do the talking, but she still kept her eyes on Allura.

"My names Ami and she's Zoe"

She said pointing at the blonde head behind her, Allura half smiled at them before talking again.

" if you don't mind I want to ask you a few questions about these recent events"

"Actually I do-

Allura took a step forward, cutting Ami's reply short.

"Why did you give off Altean signals, you are not Altean?"

"Who are you?"

"Are you truly on our side?"

Ami stares at Allura agitation all over her face before finally stopping her questioning.

"Look it's clear that we've been through a lot, it's not every day your kidnapped by aliens and taken to space, so if you don't mind we'd like to rest a little before answering any questions you wish to ask"

Ami said with a raised voice, her request sounded more like a demand causing Allura to go silent. Zoe nudged Ami slightly.


She added in attempt to make it sound more polite after her outburst, she just realised she was still on a space ship millions of miles away from Earth with strangers, just because they saved them didn't mean they were good-it was best not to anger them.

The man with a moustache steps forwards, "Please follow me and I'll take you two to your rooms"

Ami smiled, she took a liking to him instantly. "One will be fine, thanks"

She replied as they both followed Coran out of the room, leaving the rest of the paladins and Allura behind.

"Allura what was that all about?" Shiro asked her.

"I-I don't know, I guess I just hoped that were still more of my kind out there and when I saw the Altean signals I truly thought they might be Altean...and then I saw them, I suppose I just exploded"

Allura frowns and sits down; Shiro follows and takes a seat next to her. Shiro placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled,

"It's alright, I'm sure they'll understand, just give them a chance, they don't seem like bad people"

"But shiro, how do you know?"

"I agree with Shiro, Their not bad people Allura, you don't have to worry"

Allura and Shiro turned to look at Keith who was staring at his sword, a lost look in his eyes.

Allura sighed, "Alright I'll give them a chance, but as soon as they are rested we must ask them about the Altean signals"

"Yes, I'm sure they'll be happy to answer your question"

"Yeah, definitely..." Keith mutters.

Allura turned to glare at Keith, a worried look replacing it as she saw that he was still staring at his sword. She was slightly concerned about his weird behaviour but decided to not ask him anything.

Zoe jolted up, sweat dripping off her forehead. She turned to Ami for comfort to find that her red headed friend was fast asleep. Instead of disturbing her, Zoe grabbed the blanket she was sleeping with and wrapped it around herself before walking out of the room.

"A good walk always helps..." She whispers to herself.

She didn't make it very far around the ship before bumping into someone. Zoe instantly apologises and looks up to find Allura smiling at her.

"Don't worry, it was an accident, what are you doing up so late"

"I-I had a nightmare..."

"Ah, and a good walk always helps, my mother always used to tell me this"

Zoe smiles and nods her head at Allura, "It works to!"

Allura chuckled at Zoe, she thought back to what she said about them earlier, how terribly wrong was she. How could such an adorable human be bad?

"Look, I apologise about what I was saying earlier...I know I sounded harsh...but I was just disappointed I guess"

Zoe shook her head and smiled at Allura, she felt familiar to Zoe in a way, it made her feel more homely.

"That's alright, I'll apologise for Ami's outburst as well, and she's always like that, always acting before thinking"

This caused Allura to smile and boop Zoe on the nose playfully, "Ah, well I guess you're the brains then?"

Zoe's cheeks warmed up as she smiled at the white haired princess, "No I'm pretty sure she's the brains as well...when she wants to be, she's always protecting me"

"Oh really, well then you must be a very grateful for having a great friend like her, I must definitely apologise to her in the morning"

"I am, and I'm sure she'll like you very much"

"Oh that's good, now then instead of standing in the middle of the hall why don't you come to my room and have a drink with me, you can tell me about yourself"

"That sounds great"

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