Untangle Me (an Embry Call Love Story) 15 Bella

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The sad moment when you realize this book is half way done :(

Chapter 15

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed a sigh. I was walking to school with Kate, with the unwanted company of Jake and Quil. 

“I don’t need to be followed” I growled. 

They didn’t say anything because they were in wolf form but they did back off a little bit. Kate didn’t say anything. Her hazel eyes darting back and forth. 

“I doubt she’s going to come back” I said. 

She shifted uncomfortably.

“Aella, you were attacked” She said. 

I sighed. I jumped when Jake appeared in front of me. 

“you two are skipping school today” he said 

I groaned 

“I haven’t been to school in a week!” I complained. 

“Sam’s orders” he said shrugging. 

I crossed my arms. I wasn’t happy about missing school but then again Sam wouldn’t keep me from going unless it was important. We walked into the house. Everyone was surrounding Bella. 

“What’s going on?” I asked. 

Embry made his way over to me and protectively wrapped his arms around me. Everyone waited for Bella to speak. 

“The redhead, Victoria, is after me, she wants to kill me” she mumbled. 

“oh is that why she kidnapped me, beat me, and oh let’s not forget  killed my farther all because you just had to have a fucking blood sucking boy friend!!” I shouted  

Everyone in the room looked shocked. I didn’t care all to much. 

“I- uh” she strutted. 

“Shut the fuck up nobody cares!” I said. 

I ran out of the house. I needed to get away, I didn’t want anyone to see the tears that wear falling freely down my checks. 

“Ella!” Embry called. 

He ran after me.  I furiously wiped away my tears. 

“The redhead-”  I started. 

“Victoria” he corrected

“She came after me and my family” I said. 

A sob escaped my chest. Embry pulled me close, wrapping me safely into his warm arms. He didn’t say anything, he just stood there as I sobbed. 

“What does she want with me?’ I asked. 

“I don’t know, love” she said.  

“It can’t be just Bella,” I said 

He didn’t say anything but rubbed circles on my back. 

“You know that wasn’t very nice what you said to Bella” Jake said 

I wiggled my way out of Embry’s arms. I was so mad I was seeing red. I stood toe to toe with Jake. 

“Bella, is nothing more then a leech loving, self centered bitch!” I screamed

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