Untangle Me (an Embry Call Love Story)5 Redhead

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“you Imprinted on me?” I asked. 

He nodded. 

“why me I’m nothing special” I said mostly to myself. 

“your everything special” he said 

I looked at him. 

“your genetically programmed to say that” I whispered crossing my arms. 

“I would have fallen in love with you anyway” he said 

I wasn’t sure what to think I loved him, or at least that’s what my heart was saying but my mind was saying he didn’t have a choice, but then again he sad he wouldn’t have fallen in love with me anyway. I felt a warm pool ooze down to my stomach. Embry studied my face. 

“you are my soul mate” he said 

We both started laughing.

“that seemed so….” 

“Serious” he finished. 

I nodded. 

He softly placed his lips on mine again. 

“I love you Aella, you’re my best friend” he breathed on my lips. 

I didn’t answer my mind and heart were in a battle. 

“do you really think we would have fallen in love even if you didn’t imprint?” I asked 

“I really think so, do you remember that summer?” he asked

“of course I do” I mumbled. 

“remember when all of us were playing truth or dare and I was dared to kiss you?” he asked. 

“and I ran away” I laughed. 

“I set that whole thing up” he smirked. 

“you what?!” I asked

“I asked Jake and Quil to ask that so I would get a chance to kiss you” he said 

I blushed. 

“maybe I shouldn’t have run away” I said 

“why did you run away?” he asked. 

“I wasn’t sure what to do” I admitted

He smirked. 

“So why did you kiss me now?” he asked 

“as I do recall you kissed me” I said. 

He laughed. 

“I guess your right” he said smiling. 

I pulled away. 

“I really need to hunt” I said seeing his hurt expression. 

He nodded. Just then Embry’s phone rang. 

“Shit, it’s my mom” he said 

He answered the phone. I heard a lot of yelling and screaming. 

“yes mom” he repeated every once in a while. 

Finally he hung up the phone. 

“I need to go talk to my mom, are you ok here for a minute?” he asked. 

I nodded. 

“yeah fine” I said 

“alright, I’ll just be a few minutes” he said gently kissing me. 

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