Untangle Me (an Embry Call Love Story) 14 Liam&Leah

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who thought Leah deserved to imprint :)


“Do you really think he likes me?” Kate asked. 

I laughed. 

“Trust me” I said with a small laugh. 

I told the pack I would tell her everything. Right now I’m seeing that’s a bad idea because telling there secret would mean telling mine and I don’t want to lose my friend. Kate must have noticed my serious expression because she pushed me. I laughed and pushed her back. We continued laughing as we walked up the steps to Emily’s house. I throw my back pack on the empty couch. 

“Ok, What did you do to my brother?” Leah asked as she rushed through the door. 

“What do you mean?” Kate asked concerned. 

Kate sat down on the couch and crossed her arms.

“He’s been acting weird and all he could tell me is Aella’s friend Kate?” Leah explained. 

Well, this sucks. I have to find a way to tell Leah with out telling Kate. Right now I wished that me and Leah had a code, that would make things so much easier. 

“Hey, your home!” the voice I’ve come to know as Liam. 

“yup, three o’ clock just like I said” I smiled at him. 

I turned to see Leah with the same expression as Seth had early. I cursed in my head. 

“Leah, this is my brother Liam” I said trying to sound as if I wasn’t irritated. 

“H-Hi” she stuttered with a sheepish smile. 

Liam smiled back. 

“Hi” he said flashing a brilliant smile of his own. 

I was relived when Embry walked in the door. I quickly walked to him and hugged him tightly. He held me just as tight. 

“how was your day at school?” I asked. 

“not very fun” he said with a frown. 

“and why is that?” I asked though already knowing the answer. 

 He laughed and kissed my check. Everyone seemed happy. Everything was going right. 


“I really, really don’t want to go” Embry murmured against my lips.

“mmm” I moaned “sadly Liam is in the kitchen watching so you should go before he brings out his shovel” I mumbled 

I herd Liam shift his weight from one foot to the other. Embry must of herd also because he chuckled. 

“11” I whispered in his ear before kissing him one last time. 

He smiled and kissed me back a silent agreement. He pulled away and left for patrol. I sighed and turned around to face my brother. He raised his eye brow at me. 

“What?” I asked crossing my arms. 

He smiled and laughed. 

“nothing” he said as he continued to laugh. 

I raised my eye brow at him. He stop laughing but it was clear that it took some effort. We stared at each other for a few minutes both of us refusing to back down. Liam lost the battle when Leah walked in the door. 

“Hey” she smiled at my brother. 

He smiled back. 

“Hey” he said. 

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