Untangle Me (an Embry Call Love Story) 3 Friends

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When I woke up I half expected Embry to be there. I don’t why but it felt,  right. I shock my head at the thought. Me and Embry left things closed. I told him I was leaving but I didn’t tell him where. He said he would miss me but I didn’t tell him I was going to miss him. I wanted it to be a clean cut. I didn’t want to get so close to a human and end up geting my secret exposed. I stretched and  went to the kitchen. 

“morning” I mumbled at my dad. 

“morning” he said take a sip of his coffee. 

I looked through the fridge and found nothing appetizing. 

“are you going to hunt again today?” he asked. 

I sighed. 

“yeah I think so it’s the only thing that sounds good” I said 

My mouth watered at the thought of blood. 

“I want you to talk to some of my friends” he mumbled. 

“what about?” I asked raising an eyebrow. 

“you were right there are wolves here… Sam Uley is  the alpha, I want you to go talk to him and see if he can arrange someone to hunt with you” he said 

I frowned. 

“daddy I don’t want anyone to help me hunt I can do it myself” I said crossing my arms 

He sighed. 

“I just think it will be better if you had someone there incase something like this happens again” he said 

“it’s not my fault it was that damn deer.” I mumbled

“but what if it’s a human next time?” he asked 

I knew what he meant, what if instead I track a human instead of a deer. 

I frowned. 

“that hasn’t happened and it never will” I said my jaw set stubbornly. 

“I know, I know, it’s just that your getting older and your carving is a lot stronger”  he said 

I nodded. 

“alright, were is this Sam guy?” I asked 

“just down the road the house with all the marigolds” he said with a slight smile. 

“ok, I should get dressed and get going” I mumbled still not quit awake. 

He nodded. I went back to my room and put on a pair of blue jeans and a white tank top. I did my make up and put on my converse. 

“bye dad!” I yelled as I walked out the door. 

I looked around. The house with all the marigolds? I sighed and decided to go to the beach. I sat down on this log and brought my knees to my chest. I toke a deep breath and enjoyed the salty taste the air had.

“Ella?” I herd someone call. 

I looked to my right to see a familiar sweet smiling face. 

“Jake!” I said jumping up  to hug him. 

“hey” he said laughing as he wrapped his arms around me. 

“you cut your hair too!” I exclaimed running my fingers through his now short hair. 

He nodded. 

“oh my gosh I’ve missed you so much!” I said smiling. 

He smiled back. 

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