23. Shrouded in Darkness

Start from the beginning

"It's true. I discovered you with Rosalyn, except you weren't exactly alive and you weren't dead. When found you in spirit form, you were devouring the flesh of a demon. A low rank, but a demon nonetheless. I still remember his screams piercing quiet hall. Wonderful music to my ears," he said taking my hands into his own. "I couldn't be prouder until the night you fought me using your own strength, summoning your own scythe."

She studied her father from her peripherals and she couldn't resist the smile overtaking her face. Nothing felt better than knowing he was there for her. That he as her father protected her the moment she was born. Her eyes prickled and she felt tears forming at their corners. Overcome with emotion, she launched herself into his arms and buried her nose into his chest. Her dad loved her in his own twisted way. And maybe there was nothing twisted about it. It was just different.

"Would you like to see what happened all those years ago?" Thanatos asked, his eyes boring into hers. She nodded her acquiescence, and soon visions of the past flickered through her mind. Wow. Would she be able to do this one day? She frowned at the image of him in the hospital by her mother's side.

"You made a covenant with her? Why couldn't you just take me?" She hated suffering when she could've been in a loving home.

"In my own way, I cared for your mortal mother. She was the only woman that could resist my call and it intrigued me. A creature able to hold death, and not wither away," he said wistfully looking away. "This is the time to speaking with your guardian. He will bring you up to speed," Thanatos said after setting her down on the couch. Rosalinda watched his form fade slowly away. Did mom break his heart?

She shifted her focus to her brother. His hair was shorter than it used to be. And there was hardness about him that wasn't there before. What happened to him? Rosalinda held her breath as Dominic moved across the room. Even his movements were quiet and predator-like. He kneeled on one knee, his hand fixated in a fist across his heart. What on earth? She was certain in incredulity showed because reached forward touching the certain of her forehead, a small smile on his face.

Rosalinda's eyes widened in shock. The image of a human skull sat branded upon his retina. She shook, the memories exploding in her mind. Images of him dying at her side for taking a fatal blow for her.

"You stupid idiot!" she wept her nose burning. "Who told you to do that?" she cried, coughing overcome with emotion. It was like she was there again. Terrified. Desperate to save her brother and guilty because it was her fault this happened to him.

"Shh, I'm here now," he said pulling her into his arms, consoling his sister.

She always felt alone. That she didn't belong. T-that she was unlovable. And to think, she had a family, had people who loved her. A fuzzy warm feeling filled her and she sat content with herself and the world.

"Okay, you've definitely going to have to catch me up. What happened to Mom and Rachel?" she asked sitting back, wiping her eyes while Dominic gave her an unreadable expression.

"No more secrets, Dominic," she huffed out, running her hands through her hair. "Daddy!" Rosalinda exclaimed as her father reappeared. She scrunched her nose in suspicion. The time was incredibly good. Had he been listening?

"Dominic will enroll at Helvitti Academy. Since you look nothing alike, no one will suspect you're siblings. He is your shadow, Dumu-mi. You have bounded him for eternity, thus he is yours."

Wait, what?

"You both will report to me to continue your training. Dumu-mi, you will work on your offensive and your defensive skills with Dominic. I will arrange for a place for you to train. Now, both of you return to the academy. I have kept you long enough."

She stared at her father with so many questions brimming in her eyes. She was smart enough to know he wouldn't give her a straight answer, so she left it alone.

"Come on Dominic, I can't wait for you to meet Abigor," she said tugging on his arm and pulling him towards the door.

"Come on Dominic, I can't wait for you to meet Abigor," she said tugging on his arm and pulling him towards the door

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Things are getting ready to pick up! What do you make of Rosalinda's history? Don't forget to hit that little button at the end of the chapter! XOXOXOXO

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