"Your dance was going great as well," He adds in a murmur, "you looked so happy, normally your dances are well depressing."

"Gee-" I rub the nape of my neck, feeling slightly uneasy due to the reason of this newfound joy.

"I wonder where this happiness may have come from, hmm?" Jungkook teases, dark eyes gracing my face.

"Shut up, Jungkook."

Yoongi's judgment encased orbs also cross my features, disconcertment amalgamated within his tone, "is he talking about who I think he's talking about?"

"The pizza boy!" Jungkook sings, "so cliché, isn't it?"

No one else shares his smile, but at least he managed to amuse himself.

"For fucks sake.." Yoongi rubs his temples, agitation clear in his posture. He's been evermore apprehensive about me seeing Taehyung since I explained to him the events that took place the other night.

"He's not a pizza boy anymore." I mumble, not daring to let the room grow silent out of the fear the quiet will eat me alive.

"Well you never told me his name."

"Taehyung." I hate myself for how good it feels for his name to fall from lips.

"Taehyung?" Hoseok narrows his eyes, something brewing within his mind.

"Mm, Kim Taehyung."

"Holy shit, the Kim Taehyung?!" Jungkook gasps exasperatedly.


The youngest's jaw drops, his eyes alight with disbelief, "you're fucking kidding me! Do you have any idea who Kim Taehyung is?"

Instinctively, I roll my eyes, not prepared for a lecture on how Taehyung's a player who's slept with every boy in this town. I'm not in the mood to hear how he'll break my heart, "yeah, he's a playboy, whatev-"

"He's not just a playboy!" Jungkook seethes quite apprehensively.

"Jungkook, calm the fuck down." Hoseok grumbles, moving his head from my roommate's shoulder, the aforementioned innocently sipping his coffee.

"You know, telling somebody to calm down only makes them more angry." He snarls, suddenly turning to Yoongi, "Yoongi, you know who Kim Taehyung is, right?"

"Mmm." Said male nods, leaving his answer as an unelaborated syllable.

"Then why the fuck are you okay with this? Why didn't you say anything?!"

I'm understandably perplexed as I ponder over each of their words, finally deciding to voice my confusion, "what are you guys talking about? Who's Taehyung?"

"I can't believe you've been linking with him for over two months and you didn't bother to look him up, are you even a person?" Jungkook tuts.

"Guys, just fucking tell me!"

Silence falls over the room and I scrutinise each of their expressions, awaiting somebody to speak up.

I don't expect it to be Hoseok, "sheesh, before you get all menstrual about it, I'll put you out of your misery." He leans back, refusing eye contact, "Kim Taehyung's the son of those uber-rich business workers - the ones who supposedly grew up on a farm and made their worth honing in on their special sauce recipe. There was a big scandal a few years back when their model son - Taehyung - quit high school, got kicked out of their house and went off the radar... how do you honestly not know about this?"

I'm speechless and scarcely finding my breath, confused as to how I didn't piece everything together myself: his lavish style, his proper ways of speaking, the fact his parents were so cautious of the courses he took and how it would seem to the public. Hell, even the looks we got in the hair salon and the cafe and the fucking club were a killer sign.

"That's why I told you that you didn't want to get tangled up with him." Yoongi rubs his forehead in frustration.

But I've done so much more than getting 'tangled up with him'.

"Why did you let him then?" Jungkook frowns.

"Because I hadn't seen him so happy in a long time."


Oof this is so rushed && looks unplanned but I swear this was planned from the beginning swksbsksbnssnksnsnsnsnsnsjssbjsksjskss

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