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1. The Unusual Prey


I trotted on all fours around the forest that the earth had provided me for ninety-seven years in search for dinner.

My eyes glow blue in the darkness, appearing as an x-ray in the dark night to see clearer. Spotting a rabbit I chased the creature, no longer caring about the sickness it carried like the rest of the animals before biting into it.

Eating it raw I licked my lips, leaving tufts of fur and bones laying on the ground. I only came out at night time unless disturbed or curious of something. Other than that I was hardly ever seen.

The air was poisonous to the mountain men, however, when they went on searches they'd have to immediately return or they'd be torn to shreds because of me. I hated the mountain men, they were horrible people. I could feel it in my bones. The grounders, however, had to watch their back each and every second when on the forest floor. I would come out of nowhere and attack. They'd be lucky to even strike me once before their death.

I depended on no one and lived on my own, in a cave smack dab in the center of the forest. I was once considered the demon of the forest, in all places however by no means seen.

There wasn't one grounder, mountain men or animal that lived to mention that they saw the desert wolf. The grounders referred me as the creature gon wamplei, the creature of death. The mountain referred me as the beast. Animals knew me as the master predator.

I was the killer of the planet, and anything new to earth would never understand that till they saw it for themselves, right as they were about to be killed.


I slept soundly in my cave, worn-out from the sleepless nights I'd been having. Not many animals came out at night time nowadays and I hated the sunlight, so it was unfortunate.

What made my blue eyes come to life was a rumble in the earth, shaking it to a maximum that I had to stiffen to stop herself from shifting around on the ground.

I heard a loud bang and my ears perked up instantly. I knew everything would be coming to the forest to see what was the mysterious noise on the earth.

The sun was shining brightly, unfortunately for me however she knew she had to push that aside, simply this once. Curiosity constantly got the best of me, there was no denying it.

I stretched, happy to have had at least twelve hours of sleep before creeping out of my dark and deep cave and into the broad daylight.

My eyes squinted at the direct sunlight, wishing to be able to cover them with my hand that was at the moment, a paw.

Sprinting into a run I flew through the forest, smelling everything I passed. I started to trot as soon as I made it close to a massive metal, or steel thing on the ground.

Above me, grounders hid in the tree, inspecting the peculiar thing that fell from the sky. Plus they didn't want to get injured from the desert wolf.

I knew they were in the tree. I also knew they were clever enough to comprehend now not to gang up on me. I'd taught them that a long time ago.

There was another noise making me get into an attacking stance. I bared my teeth and watched as one side of the metallic box fall slowly and touch the ground gently.

Nothing happened for only a few seconds. I was almost convinced it was nothing I wished to fear about till something came out.

It was a human, just like I was. A female. A dark-haired girl wearing garments she'd never seen before. There was shock across her face and a smile appearing.

The female took a little leap and let her feet sink into the soil. The wind blew at that moment and confused me even more. The girl raised her arms as she shouted, "We're back bitches!"

It was then I had a great deal to worry about.

Humans started scattering out of the metal box, howling and shouting in exhilaration at finally being on Earth. There were males and females. My guess was about a hundred people.

I desired to tear them all to shreds, it was my nature to do since I considered them part of my food chain being a wolf, however, something held me back.

They weren't like the grounders. They had no idea what was down here and what dangers were in store for them that they could have avoided if they'd just stayed where ever they came from.

I backed away from my stance, still eyeing them for a few more minutes before backing away completely and strolling back to my cave.

I was a killer, I was the demon of the forest, the wolf of death, the beast, but I knew these people were not a threat till proven.

I would wait till it's confirmed before I attack them.


Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now