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My lips flew on to his and there was no hesitation for him to kiss me back.

We both pull away at the same time.

"Goddd, do you know how beautiful you Are? Jesus this is gonna be one good looking kid. Hope she gets her mommas genes and personality. Your too perfect for me." He smiled . 

"She?" I question. I kinda want a boy

"Yup, I'm team girl. I want to teach my daughter self love  and how beautiful she is because she's got her mommas genes. Nothin happening to my baby girl. If a boy hurts her I'll cut his dick off and feed it to him after chopping his head off." His gruesome thoughts of what he would do if someone hurt a daughter of his.

I laugh at his protectiveness. Then I thought about how this was gonna work out.

I have to keep the baby a secret. Me and him couldn't be seen talking to each other unless suspicious would arise in public.

" we're not gonna be able to talk to each other any more in public "

Now I felt sad, and scared. What if I was gonna have to raise this baby alone.

"I'll figure something out, your not raising any of my kids alone without me. I'll just have to push to get him out of the pack. You know what? Starting tomorrow, I'll work and push to finish the Process. I'll push for the ceremony to be tomorrow because I've finished all my alpha training. At the ceremony after I'll be put in charge. I'll tell them that I'm changing things around there and everything will be equal. no matter the skin tone or ethnicity."

" is it really that easy in your pack? so your not going to school tomorrow? When is the next time I'll see you."

"I'll call you tomorrow and maybe FaceTime. And I'll make sure I see you on Friday. Now let me get you home, love."

He gets up and goes to the entrance climbing down the ladder first. I go after him and a thought comes to my head.

Swiss roles dipped in some black berry jelly sounds good right now.

"Can we stop by the store and get some snacks? I'm hungrier than a mother fucker." He chuckled and shook his head yes.


In the store I grabbed corn chips, blackberry jelly, swish rolls, cookies, chocolate syrup and whip cream.

The whole time I was at check out Axle was looking at me crazy. I wanted to slap him backwards, you should never look at a pregnant woman how he was looking at me. Even though I don't really look pregnant because my baggy clothes. Maybe this whole thing might grown on me ? Everything definitely felt a lot better after tell the most important people.

After leaving the store he took me home and guess who just so happened to be home? My got damn parents.

As soon as I opened the front door, my mom stated yelling at me. My mom sat on the couch watching my dad with amusement.


" I was talking to my ex boyfriend." I calmly say . He wasn't really a boyfriend though. Me and axle have never been a thing he's just my baby's father.

"Ex BOYFRIEND?" He looked at me confused.

"Yes, dad."

My mom laughed. " Mi hermosa niña ha descubierto cómo usar su belleza. Pero mejor que no Haya bebés. " (My beautiful daughter has figured out her beauty. But there better not be no babies. (doesn't translate exactly that) she shakes her chanclas at me.

"Lo se mami no estamos juntos." I talk pass my dad. (I know mommy, were not together)

"I'm still disappointed though. You know well about how I feel about you staying out late alone with a boy. You should have taken Quincy with you."

"Lo se papi."

" now go to bed darling." My dad gives me a hug and sends me off to my room.

I get dressed for bed and do as I'm told after taking a shower.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

My alarm clock goes off, waking me out of my sleep.

"Fuck school" I groan out.

Dragging my self to the bathroom, I strip out of my clothing. I look in the mirror Admiring my little bump.

That's when my morning sickness kicked in. I feel a knot in my throat before a vile tasting chunky liquid came back up. I ran over to the toilet and emptied my guts.

Baby why are you doing this to me?

I hop in the shower and scrub every inch of me. Except my hair because well my hair is a little more on the black side. It doesn't get greasy fast but when I wash it too much it becomes really dry and almost brittle.

I keep my hair how it is but braid it down. I get dressed in a grey old navy sweat shirt with black leggings. I pair my out fit with black Nike socks and all black Nike Roshes.

Once I was finally ready to go to school I drove me and Quincy to school. My mom was taking Laney to school today.

Me and Quincy arrived at the school with 10 mins to spare. "How are you feeling this morning?" He asked.

"Sick as a bitch" 

"that's not good. When are you going to tell your parents? Your mom will be the first to notice you know if she hasn't already." We get out the car walking towards the school.

" I don't know and I really don't want to. Plus if they know they'll want to talk the father and the fathers parents. I can't have that just yet." He grabs my hand and pulls us to a stop.

"Camilla your stomach is getting bigger by the day. You don't have much time before you can't hide it any more with oversized sweat shirts."

As soon as he finishes that sentence a brown headed girl walks from behind a car. She passed me and Quincy. She turns back around to say something .

"Those sweat shirts are pretty ugly, by the way." She laughs. Oh boy did I want to rip that bitches head off. Quincy stands there just looking at me.

"I could say the same about your face but at least I can change my clothes, little bitch." I go to walk up to her but Quincy holds me back.

"Watch it wale, or I'll make you suffer for the rest year." She looks at me putting her hand on her her hip. She's just a white bitch who talk more shit than she can actually take. She's the type that thinks she's better than everyone because she a spoiled brat.

" do you really think I give a fuck? Do you know who your talking to? I'll fucken kill you." I want to fight her so bad but Quincy still holds me back.

Quincy leans down and whispers in my ear so that only I can hear. "The baby, Camilla. The baby you can't be fighting people right now." He reminds me. He puts his hand on my stomach.

"No, the question is do YOU know who YOUR talking to??? I have nothing to be afraid of. Bye, bitch." She flicked her hair and walked away.

As soon as she was far away, I look up at Quincy. He just is silent.

I bust out crying. I think this may be the first time I've cried like this in front of him.

I've never felt so frustrated and fat at the same time. I wanted to rip her head off but I was feeling emotional because she called me a whale. So stupid, why am I so emotional

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