On the loose -15

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I told him that I loved him and he didn't say it back? Like I dead ass poured my heart out to him with my feelings in detail. This boy straight up just said 'well we can't happen, I've got other priorities .' I didn't talk to him for like 2 days even though he apologized an hour later because he realized how harsh it came out. Like he didn't even sugar coat it and beat around the bush which I would have preferred in our complicated relationship . Whenever I mention that I love him he changes the subject or brings something else up completely dismissing every word that came out my mouth. He hasn't lost his over protective ways at all like he really tries to tell me what to do like he's my dad. But mention anything about love and it just throws him off. Why didbI drag him all this way with me if he doesn't want to be with me ?

" which side of your nose do you want the piercing?" He asked me.

"Umm the right side?"

"You sure?"

"Yeah? I think so?"

"Okay so how can I help this lovely couple today?" A girl that was probably in her late 20s greeted us as we walked in the piercing shop and they had many pictures of their work on the wall. From tattoos to some peoples private part piercings hung on the wall like trophies.

"My dear wife right here wants to get a nose piercing so I'm here to get her what she wants." He greeted her with a bright smile.

"Alright, come on back sweethart. You can too, and can I assume dad?" She looked at my stomach judiciously before Quincy responded "Sure am!!" With a large fake smile.

I haven't asked him if he wants to be the real second father of my baby or an uncle. Why would he when he feels so sarcastic about the baby. It's like

The lady takes us to the back and go threw all the preparations of piercing your nose. Before she gets ready to pierce it I pick the industrial nose piercing.

Quincy grabs my hand as she is about to puncture my nose.

This is it, I'm getting my nose pierced.

As soon as she pierced my nose my freaking water breaks.

I'm 3 days early, holy shit I'm about to be a mom.

" oh shit." The lady looks at the floor confused as fuck.

Quincy doesn't say anything he just looks at my face with his eyes bulging out his sockets and his mouth wide open. He looked like his face slightly lost color.

" this is Lucy we need an ambulance in the piercing section."

"Okay they are being called, what seems to be the problem?"

"My client water broke." She responded. I stood up from the chair and walked a few steps before Quincy swooped up behind me and carried me towards the exit doors of the Walmart.

I guess the ambulance wasn't getting here as fast as he'd like because he carried me to the car and got a towel from the back of the car for me to sit on.

He gets in the car and speeds off to the nearest hospital. We didn't have my hospital go bag with me or the baby bag.

"Be ready to be a mommy." He says and all I can do is focus on my breathing because the contractions started and they were painful as fuck. Wait do babies really come out your vagina? Dumb question, I'm just trying not to think about how much this might hurt. I knew I should have went to those first child meetings that teach you things that I should probably know that Quincy found.
Hours later... 10:57

"Almost 10 centimeters dilated get ready to start pushing." The female doctor yells. Quincy had a fit when he found out that the main doctor that birth's the babies was an young white man.  They called in the female baby doctor and so she's taking care of me.

"Alright! 1...2...3.... push!"
Okay I want you to push hard every time you have a contraction. You get ready to go again."

10mins later.
The baby'sheart rate went up since we first started so we took a break and they gave me oxygen because they said the baby was stressing out.
"Come on you can do it Camila." Quincy kisses my sweaty forehead. He then pulls hairs out my face and takes out my ponytail. He pulls my hair into a loose bun for me.

A nurse puts cool gel on my stomach and uses a wand on my lower abdomen while another checks my temperature"Wait stop, stop pushing." The doctor looks up at the monitor beside me and her eyes widen.
"She has a high temperature of 103." A nurse says.

"Elizabeth, go tell surgeon Ethan we are on the way." She makes eye contact with a girl with piercing blue eyes. She nods and runs out the room.

"Honey, you were doing great but your baby's ambliacord has some how wrapped around her neck. We have to perform a c-section so safely deliver this baby. You have also gained a high fever so after the baby is born we will have to take it to the nicu for a few days because when you get a fever during child birth that usually means there is an infection in the uterus and we want to make sure she's okay "

"I'm having a girl? I just want my baby to be okay."

"Yes it's a girl. Okay so we are going to cover you back up with your blanket and gown and try not to push. Everything is going to be just fine sweetheart."
"Would you like to hold her so mom can see the baby?" I could hear baby screams.

"Yes" he responds. I couldn't see what was going on. Quincy came over to me and held something in front of me.

I smile because it was my baby girl. Maleah Julieta- zoel. She was so red and she was crying but no sound came out her mouth anymore.


Axle's POV.

What do I do? I currently couldn't chase after her until this bitch would let me.

10mins later...

She looked up from her phone, smacking on pink strawberry gum. "You can go now, hon. Tell Cammy I said love you" she laughed sickly. I so badly wanted to make her taste my fist.

I ran out side and searched the parking lot for her car and then Quincy's. No luck. So I ran towards the forest switching into wolf form. I ran from the school to her house which took for what seemed to be for ever. I walked up to her drive way and turned back into human form. Her car was there and Quincy's wasn't. Her scent was strong like She had just been there but then again her smell was intoxicating so it was all I ever smelled at some points and I loved that.

I knock on her front door and her dad comes to the door. He opens it and has a fierce expression of anger. He reaches rover to the left of the door, pulling out shorts.

"Thank you sir" I slip them on quickly after he gives them to me.

"Why are you on my lands Pinault?"

"May I come in sir? It's about your daughter." He opens the door wide enough so I can step past him. He bring me to his office to speak.

"So... you know my father... cause you know, you have an alliance with me and my pack."

"Yes, I do and yes we do"

"Well my father is a man than I'd never be and I'm changing the ways of my pack soon. I hope to make our alliance stronger in any way I can because I'm in love with your daughter but my father said he'd kill my mate if she were to be of color or Mexican. I knew this and still can hope to love her even though I've hurt her a lot."

"What are you trying to say son." He raised one eye brow.

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