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We talk for a bit before I really start feeling vile come up my throat. I take off in the direction of the school to the girls bathroom. There wasn't really anything to throw up.

It was like this for the next 2 weeks in which nasty food combinations became my favorite thing in the world.

What the fuck do I do?

My anxiety taunts me the whole entire time of me coming to the realization. I needed a peace of mind before I say anything Quincy. Right before I left the house I let him know I was making a private run to the store for some feminine products I wanted to try. I'm surprised that it didn't raise any suspicions or that he didn't want to go. Running to the store briefly I grab 3 different kinds of pregnancy test and a Arizona tea. The sweet girl at the register gave me looks of sympathy as she rung up my items.

"Where's the restroom?" The awkward silence comes to a halt once I ask a question.

I fumbled with the box before I was able to get the stick out and pee. I say a little prayer after I cover the end with my pee on it with the cap. Please I beg you to be negative.

5 mins pass

Negative? Guess I am just getting fat.

I rub my fore head in relief and confusion due to all the stuff I've been going through physically. The most atrocious laugh slipped out after taking a moment to think about the results. Am I laughing because happiness or disappointment ?

Fixing my self in the mirror before walking out I throw out the empty box and put the test in my purse. I go back to the car and sit for a second. Pulling out whatever held my hair out of my face. My fingers run threw my mane getting caught in knots before putting it back in the messy bun. I pull out the test once more.

Two blue lines

It turned positive.

Covering my mouth in shock a few tears drop from eyes. Confusion. Both happiness and disappointment. Nervousness but excitement. I don't know how to feel.

Putting it in my purse like my results were gonna change once I pulled it out again. I take it back out and started bawling for what felt like ten minutes straight. I wipe my tears after taking a bunch of deep breaths before I speed home. How? What am I going to do?

Laney was in the living with her Barbie dolls playing house. She looked up at me and smiled "hey sister, you want to plway with me?"

I took a deep breath in and smiled back " Sure hun, who am I playing"

"Your playing mommie" my heart stops when she says this. Is it bad that I hope I'm not pregnant even though that is one of the possible consequences of underaged intercourse. This is not how I wanted to become a Luna.

"O-kay" it was taking every thing in my body not to just break down and cry in front of this girl.

We play for 35 mins or so before Quincy comes in.

"Alrighty, who's ready to make breakfast for dinner" he rubbed his hands together like flies do when they land.

"MEEE! Pancakes or waffles! I'll take WAF-Fles" Laney screams.

We all walk into the kitchen and I pull out all the ingredients. Laney pulls out the bowls from the lower cabinets. Quincy goes into the refrigerator to grab the turkey sausage and eggs.

We get to mixing and baking until we ended up making a flour fight. Laney some how end up on the floor being tickled by Quincy who had flour all over him. They ganged up on me after I put chocolate sprinkles in my waffle. It turned into me begging them to stop before I peed my pants. The moment felt so pure in the moment I had forget all about the information I had just learned.

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