CH. 19 We're onto that

Start from the beginning

He stared back at me, his gaze not falling. He gave me a strange look, it was like a look of respect. His eyes were still on me when Kassie spoke.

"That means, the case was just sitting there, not getting the notice or was hidden and not give orders or even give to anyone or any team to deal with. So who gave the orders now? Who gave the okay for the case to be dealt with now by your team." Kassie asked staring at them both with daggers shooting from her eyes.

The Captain took some extra steps back, to stare back the agents waiting for a response also.

The Captain noticed the looks on the agents faces and let out a slick remark saying "Well shit, I should hire these ladies."

The man and I kept staring at each other, his eyes didn't waver from mine.

"They can't answer that because they don't know either." This person who is with this is smarter than them and higher than them. There's a mole." I said and the man, gave me a little nod, somehow I was the only one who noticed.

This man thought so also.

The other agent, who was the one who had made the expressions in the beginning spoke, but turned to look at the other agent who was still staring at me before.

"We suspected that too. but we know it's not in our team because we don't have that power." The other agent said, not minding that he just let the cat out the box.

I nodded my head, I looked at Kassie and Tiara. Giving them a look saying that we should leave.

They both nodded.

"Chris, we're leaving," Kassie said and Chris nodded his head.

I was going to suggest the same thing to Dalton but he already had our stuff in hand and was already ready to go.

Can't blame him, he wanted to leave since the start.

Tiara looked at Derek Andrew, who had his eye on her already, she looked taken aback but asked him if he minds giving her a ride home.

I looked at them both analyzing them, Dalton looked like he was going to object but I stopped him, giving him a look to let him know it was okay.

He nodded his head, letting me have the say.

I stared at my sister, who was standing up from the wheelchair and watch as Derek made sure she was fine.

"The Captain can fill your team in," Kassie said, walking out the hospital room which took the people outside off guard.

There were three other FBI agents outside with a Man.

I stared at the man and he stared back at me, his eyes widened a little and he looked like he was going to say something but held his self back. He gave me a look, it was if I was supposed to understand that look. I nodded my head, he let out a breath which also took me off guard.

What was going on? Do I know him?

I know this man, we walked away and I made it seem like I didn't pay the group any attention.

I turned back to take a glance at the other agent who I had a staring contest with and I saw him walked up to the man who I felt like I knew and my eyes widened.

They also knew each other? Did that other man work for the FBI also?

He didn't have a badge that I noticed on him or anywhere.

I turned my attention back to the group when I noticed that Dalton was giving me a concerned look.

"I think we all need to get home," I said, but there was a different meaning behind my words, I instantly had a headache when I tried to remember how I knew that man.

The group agreed and continue talking amongst themselves, while I was left with my thoughts.

When we got in the elevator I decided to let the group know.

"That man who was with the other three agents. He looked familiar like I've seen him many times before." I said Dalton's eyes were on me.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

I didn't say anything but I wanted to settle Dalton anxious feeling that I was getting come from him.

"He's not the freak I know that," Kassie said and Tiara nodded.

"I don't know why either but I know he's not that freak also, I feel like my body will let me know if it was him or not, just by the vibe from being around him before," Tiara said in a Low voice so only the group could hear, I noticed the look that crossed Derek's face, it was a look of sadness and anger.

he was angry for her?

I knew none of us knew how this freak looked like because he never showed his self when he did what he did to us.

I thought, wait. How did I know that? Was it because of what Tiara said? No.... I confirmed it.... I confirmed what she said was right.

'He never showed himself to any of us.' a voice in my head said, it was my voice.

I shook the voice away from my head because my head started pounding.

I looked around us, making sure we were alone in the garage parking and spoke.

"I also have a feeling that he's not the freak, but I know him. I don't know how but I know him and it's not a romantic feeling like I have with Dalton, it's not that. Something is telling it's important also." I said I felt like I needed to add that I didn't feel anything Romantic for the man because I didn't and I knew for a fact I would have never or would never cheat on Dalton.

Melanie would never but I wasn't going to deny that I felt like I knew this man.

My sister nodded her head and Kassie spoke: "Is your gut telling you he's a good guy or bad guy?" Kassie asked me and I took a minute before I answered her question.

"I honestly don't know, because my Gut is telling me that he is but he was with the FBI so I don't know," I said, Kassie and Tiara, nodded their heads.

"I think you'll remember. I have a feeling, so let's all just go home okay." Kassie said and I nodded my head because I wanted to go back home also. I felt like now I could find the things that could help me at least remember something.

"You guys have my info, I'll talk to you two tonight on the group chat. Melanie, you figured out how to use your phone right?" Kassie asked which caused me to roll my eyes and the group smiled.

"Okay." She said, giving us a small smile. We all excused ourselves and went our separate ways.

Dalton and I got in the car, making our way home.

I leaned my head back on the chair.

"Baby..." Dalton called out.

I turned my head to look at him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I won't let anything happen to you again." He said in a serious tone.

I wanted to ease his mind.

"Hey, I'm right here okay. I'm here with you okay." I said and he nodded his head.

I gave his thigh a squeeze randomly which got a smile from him.

He brought my hand up to his mouth and nibbled on it.

My heart fluttered, my face getting heated remembering what happened earlier in my hospital room.

"I hope you didn't think I forgot about earlier. We're almost home." He said.

(*Kassandra Speaks*)

Okay, things are starting to unravel and Woah Woah Woah, who is that man that Melanie feels like she knows? Who do you Dolls think he is? Also, what do you Dolls think Dalton has planned for Melanie when they get home? I see Tiara and Derek might be a thing. the Girls seem to be having enough, all three of them.

What do you think that FBI agent was thinking when he was in a staring contest with Melanie earlier?



-Kassandra Vivu

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