Samurai Jack Saga: Chapter 8 - Daughters of Aku/Mad Jack

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"Just when the Time Portal was pinpointing the coordinates back to the main timeline, the High Priestess and the Daughters of Aku arrive and smash open the Irken Engine, destroying their only chance of escaping!"

As the heroes stand before the now improved and Aku-empowered Daughters, the tall and menacing High Priestess steps forward with her mask still on, yet seemingly wearing a huge glare. Ashi steps back a little in a bit of hesitation along with Momo, remembering that in the timeline she and Jack came from, she had killed her mother to save him.

High Priestess: It was foretold that one such as you would betray us, Ashi. That you would betray our cause for the foolish samurai...

Ashi getting furious: Grr..!

Danny clenching his fist next to a furious Tucker: You...Y-you...!

High Priestess: Neither of you were supposed to be alive, no matter how hard our master had tried, both in the past and future that was Aku. Now we must finish it for what you have done to cause the destruction of our lord and master (squints)...Samurai Jack.

Tucker: That was our only way outta this Hell, you moron! (Charges at High Priestess) YAAAAAA! (Lands a heavy punch at her face)

The High Priestess takes the punch but doesn't budge. For a moment, Tucker's arm starts falling apart and slumps down with the sounds of broken bones. He steps back a little with his right arm completely immobilized, and in shock.

Tucker: ...Arms, like, NOODLES!

Zim: I might be able to repair it somehow! But you so-called fighters must defend me against those filthy beasts!

Jimmy: And I'm assuming you know these guys?

Ashi: I know all of them...

Jack: They are the Daughters of Aku. Assassins sent to kill me back at the future we came from. I killed them, but Ashi survived... I just wish I could bring them all back and give them a second chance.

Ashi: Well, looks like we're back to square one again. These guys are much stronger now more than ever with more of Aku's blood in them. I was resistant against it when I met you guys and warped me and Jack back to the past. But with my other siblings, they're extremely loyal to Aku no matter what. Even when Jack offered to help, we refused, and I was the only one left; which now that I think about it, Jack, you just murdered my sisters. That's...That's not cool, honey.

Jack nervous: I-I had no choice! What would have happened if I didn't?

Ashi: Well, knowing me, I probably would've spared you and instead got Aku to finish you off instead like he always wanted, but you didn't kill me when I was down!

Jack: But that's because you were defenseless! It's not honorable to kill someone who's already defeated!

Danny: This got awkward real quick.

Momo: Yep.

Jimmy: That's why Cindy and I are still planning out our marriage.

High Priestess: Enough, Samurai! You will die for the glory of Lord Aku, even if we have to sacrifice our lives! Now, my children (points), go! Kill them all!

The corrupted Daughters of Aku jump forward and merge into one giant oozey wall, covering the teleporter room and the halls with nothing but blackness, only having the light from the ceiling be visible as the barriers close in on everyone to crush them!

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