Gumball Saga: Chapter 6 - The Prison

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Jimmy, Danny, Nicole, Jenny, and Yuki run through the halls of the Mawgu Lair to reach the Prison Sector where the Toon Force is held. Before they enter the next hall, they hide behind its doors before the Toybots and Morphoids could see them.

Danny: Shoot! It's those Toybots again! And the Morphoids look even stronger than before! Any ideas Jimmy?

Jimmy: I could try to use my freeze ray, but I don't have enough power to get all of them. Not since our battle with Vlad.

Nicole: These monsters look pretty tough, but not nearly as tough as us. Something tells me they'll break more easily than we realize.

Nicole and Yuki step forward and do a sprint down the hall, getting noticed by the Toybots and Morphoids who then try to shoot at them with ooze bolts. But the amazing duo seems resistant from the blasts and deflects them back at the soldiers before leaping in the air and smashing their faces in! Jimmy and Danny watch in awe as two characters from another channel have totaled some of their enemies.

Jenny: Wow! That's amazing!

Nicole: Don't just sit there and watch! Get your pals!

Jimmy: R-right! (Aims freeze ray at cells)

Jimmy freezes the cell doors and Jenny and Danny bust them down with a swift kick! Quickly, Sam springs out of her cell in a crane pose and starts attacking some of the Morphoids with Nicole and Yuki using the cannon of her peeler suit and a series of kicks!

Sam: You new here? (Shoots Morphoid through the eye)

Yuki: Of course. (Kicks Morphoid into another)

Danny rolls over to Sam and blasts a soldier out of the way from her blind spot!

Danny: Sorry we're late, but it's a good thing we stayed back at Elmore, or else we wouldn't have found these guys. (Trips Morphoid)

Jimmy: Yeah, I...I think you two would be perfect for the Toon Force.

Yuki: Don't say that yet kid. We've still got work to do.

Nicole: Yes. And I'm not sure if we'd really want to since these are your enemies.

Jenny: I can understand that, but I've fought someone from another dimension like you did too. It became my problem when they tried to kill me and destroy my home town. What's to say they won't come back?

Nicole: ....?

Timmy locked in a cell with electric bars: Uh, guys. Aren't you gonna rescue me?

Danny: O-oh, sorry Timmy.

Danny fires a beam at the nearest control switch, freeing all the prisoners in the hall.

Jimmy: Good! Everyone's here! Are you guys alright?

Plankton: Yeah...I'm still not used to the whole Mawgu thing though. (Stretches)

Shelly suddenly appears from another cell with Tucker and Jazz.

Shelly: Neither am I son. It's been years since we've seen him.

Jimmy and Danny: Shelly! (Speed walks over to him)

Jimmy hugging Shelly: Shelly, we're so happy to see you! We thought you died when the Syndicate returned!

Shelly: Nah. They probably got me confused with somebody else. Besides, there's a lot of old crabs out here these days. I just happen to be the oldest. Got a few good years left in me anyway.

Danny: Well, it's a good thing you didn't end up the way some of our friends did. The Syndicate's using the island's ooze to create a new army of Morphoids and send them to war.

Shelly: Hm...Sounds like something we can't handle by ourselves like always.

Jimmy: That's not even the worst part. Right now, Vlad is going to open a gate to the Rip Zipper to bring the Mawgu back and sacrifice the citizens of this other world to him to test his new power once they upgrade him with the Morphoids' power.

Shelly: ...That ain't good.

Kitty: Not one bit. We need to stop them somehow. But the Syndicate's army is still out there with them.

Nicole: .....(Looks concerned) I don't know too much about this Syndicate...but I think I can distract their men while you handle the big guns.

Jimmy: Nicole, I understand you're powerful and all, but are you sure you want to do this?

Nicole: If it means stopping this Mawgu thing and saving our planets, then yes!

Yuki: Then I'm going with you. It wouldn't be a battle without a good friend by your side.

Nicole: (Smiles)

Jimmy: Then you know what to do. You guys can do this. I know you can!

Timmy: And you can count on us to get your son back!

Danny immediately realizes something important about that.

Danny: Oh shoot! Gumball! I'm not sure if he's escaped or not!

Jimmy: And Vox is still sending people away! Goddard, Plankton, Tucker, you guys get to the control panel in the Mawgu Lair and make sure everyone's been beamed away! We'll take care of the rest!

Tucker: But, we've never used the lair's computer before.

Plankton: Relax. I had to use that doohickey once. I can do it again! After all, I WENT TO COLLEGE!

Danny: ...Oh, ok. Well, the rest of us will just go and try and stop the Syndicate. Which reminds me, why did you leave them Plankton?

Plankton: I didn't want to have to clean their mess after we already did that the last time those alien boogers showed up. Plus, I...I kind of enjoyed bein'...good for a while.

Sam: Aw. So you do have a soft spot like Spongebob once said.

Plankton: Shut up! (Crosses arms while blushing and trying to make a grumpy face)

End of Chapter 13

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