Nicktoons Saga: Chapter 7 - The Toon Force

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After the Nicktoons bury Tak back at his homeland, some of them return to their worlds while the others stay behind and look around to think. Timmy stands near the edge of the cliff near Jaboba's hut and looks at the sunset and the beautiful forests. Danny then walks over to him to do the same.

Danny, out of his ghost form: Dang...Today was deep.

Timmy: I still don't get it. I thought we'd be fighting like old times, but I didn't think we'd have to kill anyone. I just...(Crouches down) I just don't know if we can handle something like that again.

Jimmy arrives into the picture with his head down, but slowly lifts himself up.

Jimmy: ...When the Syndicate said they'd be watching us and how they didn't know there were other worlds out there, I kind of assumed that the Disasteroid and the Yokians were just a ruse for something else. Something even my big head doesn't wanna think about.

Timmy: Is there anything we can do to stop it? I mean, we're pretty much screwed at this point! I can't make any wishes anymore since the Big Wand was destroyed, Tak was one of the strongest thanks to his magic and now he's gone, and apparently, all the other worlds we've visited during the whole Toybot invasion and a bunch of other things are all going nuts! We don't even know who to trust anymore with this stuff!

Danny: When we first united to fight crime, we didn't question trust, nor our identities. We just did what we had to, made friends, and finished the job.

Jimmy: I guess at this point, trust won't be an issue. You're either with us, or against us. Gentlemen, I have a proposal! (Puts both arms on Danny and Timmy) We never really had a team name before, so let's just call ourselves...the Nicktoons.

Timmy: Nicktoons?! Where'd you get that name from?

Jimmy: Eh. I was thinking of Nick and all that trivia earlier.

Danny: Hmm...Doesn't quite sound right. How'bout, the Toon Raiders!

Timmy: The Freedom Force?

Suddenly, Jimmy, Danny, and Timmy hatch a brilliant name for the team. A name that stands for all cartoons and unites them against evil. One that will live on, even in times of hopelessness.

Everyone: ... THE TOON FORCE!

And so, on this day, the legendary Toon Force was born to end the Toon Wars and restore all dimensions back to peace. But who will join them? What other worlds lie beyond the Nicktoons? What will the Toon Force learn on their adventures? And what will they do to help?

End of Chapter 7




A character of some sort walks forward into an empty park at night. She is a tall, barefoot, and blue cat, but she takes on a humanoid appearance. We don't see her face, but we do see the rainbow button on her shirt, glowing in the moonlight. Who is this character? Will she join the Toon Force?

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