Gumball Saga Chapter 8 - The Mawgu

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"Despite meeting heavy fire from the Syndicate, the Toon Force had succeeded in freeing the prisoners of Volcano Island and sending them back to Elmore. However, thanks to Vlad's warping abilities, he and Calamitus were able to locate and reopen the Rip Zipper to bring back the Mawgu and take over the worlds of the Toon Force and beyond."

After Rob is betrayed by the Syndicate and destroyed, the massive menacing Mawgu made from the ooze and Earth below emerges from the Rip Zipper still healthy and normal despite his defeat at the hands of Spongebob and Danny prior to his imprisonment.



Calamitus: Come forward so we can show you the ropes.

Timmy: Oh great. They just played god and now they're worshipping someone. Can this day get any worse?!

Danny: Shhhsh! Don't say that, or your wish might come true!

The Mawgu looks around in content and finds the Nicktoons with greater numbers than before.

Mawgu: Ah...It is you again. The chosen ones. And you've brought even more of you this time. You don't seem to have your fellow Rip Zipper device anymore, do you? And just which one of you had created it again?

Jimmy slowly raising his hand: ...I did.

Mawgu: Don't be upset young man. If it had not been for your invention, I might not have found the will to return to this world, not to take over any of yours, but to ERASE them from EXISTENCE like the bugs they are!

Danny: Yeah? Well there's plenty of us, and only one of you, plus the three old guys! They don't even have their army this time! You have nothing to look forward to!

Vlad: You forget, Daniel. We have something just as powerful, if not more powerful than our wills combined! Behold, the Morphoids!

The Mawgu looks below him at the morphoid pit combined with the ooze. He takes a moment and ponders what a morphoid is, not knowing what they really are.

Mawgu: Who are you, and what are these?

Crocker: We are the Syndicate! Enemies over the foolish Toon Force who have once sealed you away long before now! In the pit is the energy that created the Morphoids! Soldiers made from a powerful alien being named Globulous Maximus. Thanks to his defeat at our hands, his substance used to make his men is now under our control, and the ooze of this island have been able to merge its power with their own!

Calamitus: It is all in your hands now, Mawgu! With your interdimensional abilities, combined with that of the powerful Morphoids and the ooze you have once created, you will be unstoppable and finally purge your target worlds and the remainder of the universe!

Mawgu politely bowing to the Syndicate: I accept your kindness, my followers. But know this! Once I retake control of this power, I will not hesitate to destroy even that of your realms!

Vlad shrugging: Consider us moving out, then.

Danny gritting his teeth: You traitor...!

Mawgu: Very well.

The Mawgu hovers down to the pit below and dives into the Morphoid combined ooze. As he does so, the world starts to have an earthquake and lightning bolts spark from the sky onto the island! The island starts breaking apart from the Mawgu's transformation and the volcano begins to erupt with ooze coming from its sides!

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