Nicktoons Saga: Chapter 5 - The Syndicate

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The Syndicate have arrived with a vengeance against the Nicktoons after their previous plans have failed, from their attempt to take over the multiverse, to the Attack of the Toybots and the Disasteroid.

Timmy: Aw, great! It's you again! Cheesehead, Ear-neck, and Short round!

Danny: I should've known you guys would be back!

Jimmy: You're the ones who reactivated the Toybots?!

Vlad: Yes, Boy Genius.

Crocker: Thanks to Vlad breaking us out of prison after our recent 1600th record...yes, I counted...we retook control of the Toyco Factories and upgraded each of our robots. As well as take care of some extra business with certain "friends" of ours.

Calamitus: And thanks to ChadBot, we also learned about the Morphoid incident and the Mawgu uprising. With this knowledge, we took what remained of the Morphoids and created a new army with them.

Vlad: It wasn't easy, however, boys and girls. We had to take care of a few obstacles before we could get a hold of the factory.

Danny: You...! Don't tell me you..!

Calamitus: Victory always comes with a price.

Timmy: A price?! Like how those freaks blasted my friends and destroyed Fairy World?!

Crocker shrugging: Oh please, Turner. You and I both know they don't matter anymore. No one cares about your parents, Vicky, or even me thanks to the ever so perfect student, Chloe. But that's nothing to worry about anymore now that she and that FAIRY shortage are out of the way. ESPECIALLY NOW THAT THERE ISN'T ONE! HAHAHAHA!

Goddard growling: Grrr...! BARK! BARK!

Tucker: Yesterday you wanted to take over the world and prove fairies exist! Today you started a war?!

Jimmy: If you're the ones who did this, then why are all these people from other worlds coming every which way?

Timmy: Earlier, that Kappa dude and Tuesday came and tried to kill me!

Jenny: And Fanboy and Wiz Kid came here for something we don't even know about!

Crocker: Then that means we've done it! We had a feeling these people would arrive eventually.

Sam: You mean to say you knew they were coming?!

Calamitus: We've traveled to many different worlds from different dimensions to find a certain place Vlad told us about, now given a similar goal. To dethrone the old, or the new, and take back what is theirs to stay, um...

Crocker: Relevant?

Calamitus remembering: Yes! Relevant. (Gets electrocuted) Sorry. Still going through my shock therapy, even to this day.

Timmy: That...almost explains why those people hated us all of a sudden.

Jimmy: But that doesn't quite explain what we did to piss them off and how they knew any of this! Sure, they want to get back on the spotlight, but for what? Who're they trying to impress?!

Sam: And what about that thing you were talking about?

Vlad: Oh, it's a long story. But I'll try to make it easier for your simple minds to process and summarize it for you.

A flashback begins with Vlad damaged from the Disasteroid collision at the end of Phantom Planet.

Vlad Narrating: When the Disasteroid had crashed into me after you somehow saved the Earth, I was found by an ancient alien menace named Globulous Maximus. Who for some reason was renamed, Spongeglob.

Jimmy: We, uh, had a bone to pick with him. Go on.

Vlad: Globulous mentioned something about him visiting your worlds once and could lead me back to them for safety. So I managed to persuade him to send me back to my mansion at Amity Park. Thankfully, my secret lab was still intact despite my move when I became Mayor. But to prevent Globulous from discovering who I truly was, I destroyed him and used my Ghost Portal to meet with a few old friends.

The flashback shows Vlad using his ghost powers to blast Globulous in the eye, instantly killing him and spattering all his ooze all over the walls.

Vlad in the flashback: What? NOOOO! My lovely lab! Oh, butter nuts!

Vlad: Following my cleanup, I've traveled to this and Turner's worlds and freed Calamitus and Crocker from their prison.

Crocker: Afterward, we've traveled around these two dimensions for a few considerable years, and I've gathered troops of the Toybot army to once again take control of Fairy World and Dimsdale, and drain the magic of the Big Wand to supply our armies with enough energy and reinforcements to conquer the entire multiverse!

Calamitus: Fortunately, after our first wave had failed on this end, we have also made friends with another villain from one of my experiences. I'm sure you know him quite well, Neutron.

Jimmy: ?

Calamitus: Anyway, we have to go now. There's an asteroid headed for this planet with your names on it.

Danny: An asteroid?

Jazz: You don't mean...?

Crocker: Consider this an opportunity to save yourselves, children! We'll be watching you.

Jenny and Danny: We're in our twenties!

Vlad: Well then, young adults, we cannoy wait to see you again. (Wiggles fingers) Tata!

The Syndicate warps away while everyone stands in surprise.

Jimmy: This does not bode well.

Suddenly, the planet begins to have an earthquake and the city starts collapsing! The ground breaks apart and Jenny catches Timmy while Danny uses a Ghost Shield to keep everyone safe!

Timmy: What's happening?!

Danny holding the shield: I don't know! But if it's what I think it is, we'd better hurry! Jazz, bring the ship closer and send us up above the planet!

Jazz: I'm on it Danny!

Jazz brings the Fenton Shuttle over to the heroes and everyone gets in and ascent above the Earth.

End of Chapter 5

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