An Apology

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Hello lovelies, it's been a while.

First and foremost, I was an idiot when I wrote this story. I realize now (that I am older, a better writer and much more mature) that major themes in this story were portrayed awfully.

Mental health, mental illness, bullying, and suicide and very important topics that I believe should be talked openly. With that said, I also believe that they are very sensitive topics.

The way I portrayed and expressed these topics could easily be viewed as blatantly insensitive. I will never ever find the glamorization, romanticization, or beautification of these topics to be okay. And I think this book makes it seem like I don't think that.

Although I'm no longer a huge Girl Meets World fan (and I didn't even watch season 3) this account and stories on it still holds a special place in my heart. Instead of getting rid of my mistakes, I'm going to fix them.

That means major editing and rewriting. So, I guess you could say I'm back!

With all of that out of the way, I am indescribably sorry for the insensitivity on my behalf during the initial writing of this story.

With love ,


broken pieces ; lucaya {✔️}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt