Why [6]

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(Mayas p.o.v)
Why had Lucas gotten so angry? He said he wanted to ask me something. Where did I screw up? What did he want to ask me?

But Brandon asked me to the dance. Eeek! I don't like him in a romantic way that much but he's been really nice to me.

After ranger rick's dramatic exit Brandon left too. I shot out the door and ran home. I wanted to tell my mom someone had asked me to the dance. I know she'd say something like "now baby girl I don't want any boy to hurt you" but I'm happy. Some once chose me. Someone actually chose m! And may I say, it feels amazing.

*time skip to Mayas' house*

I burst through the door

"MOM? MOM I HAVE NEWS!!! MOM??" Then I realized.

She was working. She always works. She works too much. Why did she work so much? I knew she had to provide for me since dad left but I hate this. I hate this so much. I'd rather be in a shelter with her than in a good place without her. I just want my mom. Is that too much to ask? I just want a family.

I throw my bag against down on the cold floor and collapse with it.

Stop crying stop crying stop crying.... I tell myself but it only gets worse.

Tears silently spilled for what feels like forever.

I can't be like this.

I get up, wipe my eyes, fix my mascara and walk out the door. I go to Rileys house. I know Charlie asked her to the dance so we can talk about boys.

I refuse to let the pieces fall apart.

*time skip*

I arrive at Rileys house and she sent me up. I walk through the door and Auggie jumps on me

"Don't ever leave me again- wait your not Ava. Carry on" then he walks away.

This kid is too much for me. I turn to Riley and start jumping in excitement.

"Window, window now" she demands and we race up to her room.

"Charlie asked me to the dance" she squeals

"Brandon asked me to the dance" I squeal.

We grab hands and jump up and down together screaming like bunnies on steroids.

We talked about Charlie and Brandon for hours and I texted my mom I was staying at their house for dinner. She was okay with it.

Topanga called us down for dinner.
As we were walking down the stairs Corey says "Oh thank god. You girls are in one piece. Why are you smiling so big? TOPANGA WHY ARE THEN SMILING?"

Topanga looked at us and in one second she said "Boys"

At that it looked like Mr. Matthews was about to have a heart attack.

As we sat down for dinner Auggie was wearing his rocket ship pajamas and pretending to fly around the living room. Oh he was so adorable.

I went home feeling great. Mom was home and I told her about Brandon. She was happy for me. But as predicted, said the thing about be careful boys break hearts.

(Lucas p.o.v)

I walked into my house and slammed my bedroom door. Why did I care so much? Why was I so angry?

I decided not to ask anyone to the dance and just go in a group with Zay and Farkle.

Why was I so angry that Brandon asked Maya to the dance? It's Because he was dangerous. He'd been suspended so many times and he's got to into fights not to mention he was a player. Maya deserves better than that. She shouldn't have said yes.

I was lying to myself. Those weren't the reasons I was upset. I finally faced the truth. I was upset because I wanted to take Maya. Because I like Maya. Why did it have to be like this?

broken pieces ; lucaya {✔️}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt