Mistakes [17]

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(Mayas pov) *at mayas house*

He walked away. He left.

I can picture Lucas Frair as many things but I'd never, not in a million years, think he was a leave-r.

Maybe it was my fault. I did tell him to leave. Yeah, it is my fault. It's always my fault. It's my fault Lucas left, it's my fault Riley hates me, it's my fault my dad left. How much more can I possibly screw up?

My phone dings. I immediately thought it was the blocked number but I am supposed to see that it was Farkle. I open the message.

"How could you do that? Honestly I trusted you." What did I do?

"I'm Confused, what did I do?" I respond.

"Don't play stupid, you know everything you've done." He replys. I throw my phone across the room.

I sit on my bed in the comfort of my own room. I knew I was one of those people who always got left behind. Knowing that, I've learned not to rely on anyone. But I did rely on Lucas, I relied on him not to leave. I guess you really can't trust anyone.

I want someone I actually love to stay.
I want Lucas to stay.

*time skip*

I'm awoken by the sound of my alarm. Should I go to school?

Wait it's Saturday.

Oh glory hallelujah thank the sweet lord it's Saturday.

As I get up I feel a stinging sensation on my wrist.

After three hours of doing absolutely nothing, I hear the doorbell ring. I look through the little peephole and see Lucas. What should I do? Answer it? Ignore him? I take a deep breath and open the door. Realizing that was a wrong move I immediately slam it shut. Well that helped so much. I mentally applaud myself. I open the door again

"You're not gonna slam that again, are you?" He asks, with a playful grin. I cross my arms over my chest and raise my eyebrows in response. I make sure my wrists are covered.

"What do you want?" I ask, already losing my patience.

He doesn't say anything.

I begin

"Look I know I was out of line but you did leave. I thought you were the one person who actually wouldn't leave. I guess I was wrong. I don't think there is anything left to say but if you do knock yourself out."

(Lucas pov)

"Look I know I was out of line but you did leave. I thought you were the one person who actually wouldn't leave. I guess I was wrong. I don't think there is anything left to say but if you do knock yourself out." I don't think anyone's words ever hit me so hard. I didn't mean to leave. I didn't. I just couldn't think of anything else to do.

"I'm sorry" Is all I could say.

"Yeah, well, so was I." She begins to close the door. But then everything goes into slow motion. I could barely get a glimpse but I saw her arm.

This is my fault this is my fault this is my fault this is all my fault.

I caught the door and swung it back open.

"I'm not leaving ever again. I promise. I'm taking you somewhere." She looks confused but puts her shoes on anyways. There's this place in the city where you can make makeshift campfires.

Back in Texas whenever I just needed to think I would just sit my a campfire. This was the best I got.

We arrive at the place and I start the fire. We sit next to each other on some old fold up chairs.

"Is this legal?" She asks.

I shrug "Probably not." she laughs.

I haven't heard her laugh in a while and I have to admit, I missed it.

We didn't talk, just looked at the fire. It was nice here, I mean, not really, but it was soothing.

For over an hour and a half we just started at the fire, silent. I don't know what she was thinking about, but I was thinking about her. My phone suddenly dings and I check it. Farkle.

'Lucas stay away from Maya, trust me.'
What? I gave her a confused look but her eyes were still focused on the fire. I begin to wonder what she did. What bad thing could she do to her friend? I put my phone back in my pocket and look back at the flames. You've seen fire on TV or from a distance but I truly think it's better up close.

I miss Texas like that. It was so calm and peaceful. Everything would make sense. You never get distracted by the city lights.

I catch myself looking at Maya. The sky began to dim. Exactly how long had we been here? She turns her head to face me

"I should get home" she says

"I'll walk you." I offer and she doesn't object so we out out the fire and begin to get up. We begin to walk. I notice how Maya keeps her hands in her pockets and is looking down.

"Was it because of me?" I ask. It had been bothering me since I saw this morning.

She looks confused but follows my glare to her wrists.

"Please don't tell anyone." She begs

"Was it my fault?" I ask my voice beginning to shake.

"No. It wasn't. Don't ever think that. You never did anything wrong, okay?" I nod and our fingers interlock.

We walked like this until we reached her house. We go up to her apartment. She opens the door and stands in the door frame for a while.

I go and hug her. She wraps her arms back around me.

(Mayas pov)

"Don't let go." I say. He kissed my head. This is good. In this moment maybe things will be okay again. Maybe.

Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the triple pov change. There should be about 3-5 more chapters until the story is over. I'm not sure if I'll write an epilogue. I really don't want this story to end. Even though there isn't that much attention I still really enjoy writing this.

I'm listening to the original Hold Back The River and I'm in love. Back to the story.....

More will be revealed soon. Also the Girl Meets The New Year promo dropped yesterday and I died. But until next time


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