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Hey its Anna. So I've figured out an epilogue is much needed. Therefore here ya go. But before that starts... I just realized how much emo music I put in the media. That was actually unintentional but I love my my emo music. Also 477 READS 21 COMMENTS AND 10 VOTES??!! I love you guys so much for this. It's more than I can ever ask for. I just thought this would be some dumb fan fiction but I'm so greatfull for all of you who actually read this! Anyone enough rambling, here's the epilogue....



(Lucas pov)

It had been a few days. Maya wasn't answering anyone. Even Corey and Topanga were clueless. Katy cut off all connections from everyone.

We walked into history. Farkle, Zay and I were close again. But I couldn't say the same about Riley. She took Billy's spot as the school bully. She was mean to everyone. I didn't understand it. What could change someone like that?

I remember what Maya showed me. The letter. What Riley had said. What could turn someone go cruel?

I walked into history. Matthews looked drained. Before he could speak the classroom phone rang. Whenever the phone rang it always sent chills down my spine. We all remember what happened last time it rang....

"Lucas Farkle Riley Zay- guidance." Matthews tells us.

We all exchange looks. There were whispers among everyone else. We Leave The Classroom

"What could this be about?" Asked Farkle.

"You don't think it's about..." Farkle trailed off.

"Maya?" Riley spat, like her name was poison.

There was a look of disgust of her face. I stopped dead in my tracks, about to say something but I proceeded to walk.

But that thought was in the back of my head. What if something bad happened to Maya? She was basically off the grid. We walk into the office and sit.

"You were all close friends of Maya Hart," Mrs. Lo, our guidance councilor began.

But she was cut off and called into another room. She said she'd be right back. Worry flooded Farkle and Zay's face. I'm sure it was in mine too. But Riley didn't looked the least bit worried. She looked happy? She snickered.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Riley!" Zay whisper/yells. We all look at them.

"Please explain what's actually wrong with you because I'm seriously getting curious. YOU were the one who showed us the text messages that Maya apparently sent. You plotted us against out best friend. You fucking beat her up and told her to kill herself! Who in their right mind does that?! You guys were best friends!" Says Zay, angry.

Farkle nods his head in agreement and I couldn't have said the words better myself. I bite my lip and scoff.

"She never cared." I say. They all look at me.

"What?" Asks Riley. She looked confused.

"I was there when Maya got that note from you. What did it say? You never liked her? You felt sorry for her? You hated her? Please correct me if I'm wrong but it was something along those lines, right?"

There was silence. I continue

"Oh and it gets better! Did you know Maya is depressed? Yeah i even saw cuts on her wrist once. Did you know she hated herself? Did you know she actually believed every single narcissistic thing you said? Yeah. You know she thought she was just a charity case to you? Now tell me, is it true? Was she just a charity case? Did you build her up just to knock her down?

broken pieces ; lucaya {✔️}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt