Heaven in Hell [12]

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(Maya p.o.v)
I stayed in bed all Tuesday. I got dozens of texts asking if I was okay.

Today, Wednesday, I didn't go to school. Instead I decided to go to Central Park. I lay down on a bench.

The sky was beautiful. I stared at it for hours thinking that Gammy was showing me everything was okay. I heard a voice speak

"Is this seat taken?" I was about to say yes, until I saw who it was. Brandon.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask

"Shouldn't you be answering everyone's texts?" How'd he know people were texting me?

I sat up and he took a seat next to me. He looked up at the sky and I did too. How I was itching for a sketchpad. I lost track of how long we were staring up.

"You know Lucas is freaking out?" Brandon breaks the silence.

This caught my attention.

"Why?" I ask

"You." He Responds.

Not taking his eyes off the sky. Me? Why me? He shouldn't be worried. I'm okay. I'm always okay.

Why do I always lie to myself? I take the piece of paper with the Remember Or Forget lyrics on it. If only I knew the notes. I study it closer. That was gammy's handwriting. She had a shaky Hand. But I could never forget the handwriting. I fold the piece of paper back up and hug it. I put it back in my pocket and realize Brandon had been staring at me for who knows how long.

"You know why I like central park so much?" He asks

"Why's that?" I ask.

"It's like a heaven in the middle of hell." That was the same reason I liked it so much.

I nod in agreement.

I watch a child with her grandmother walk past us laughing. It was like a flashback. I miss her. I push back tears. I can't let anyone see me cry. I needed to do something to get my mind off of this shit. I needed to do something.

I check my pocket to see if I have my metro card. I text my mom "I'm going to Brooklyn." She responds "okay be safe"

I get up. Turn around to see if Brandon was with me.

"You coming or not?" I ask. He shrugs and follows. We were going to Hole In The Wall.

We walk to the train station.

"I don't have my metro card" he says. I pull out mine. It let's me double swipe. We get on the train.

Hole In The Wall was exactly that. It's a small shop that you'd never notice unless you go inside. It's a store that has everything. Some clothes an endless supply of all music and an underground. The underground is a a giant room where you can graffiti on the walls. They supply the paint and I love it.

The train ride was quiet. At every stop he looked at the signs. We arrive at the stop and begin walking.

"We are in Brooklyn. Why are we in Brooklyn?" He asks. I sigh.

"You're called rebel, right?" I ask and he nods

"Well then trust me." He groans and we keep walking. We enter Hole In The Wall and go in the graffiti room.

I grab some spray paint and toss him a can.

"Go crazy" I say and begin spraying.

The thing I like about this place is the art is never painted over. There will always be room for more creation. You can add to what is there. Nothing is ever destroyed.

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