Saying Goodbye[11]

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(Maya p.o.v)
I ran down to the main office. Before entering I got a hold of myself.

'Calm and collective.' I told myself.

No one but Riley Mom and Farkle had ever seen me cry and I intended to keep it that way. My mom had signed me out of school and took me home.

Gammy Hart died.

She was old and in a nursing home. She passed in her sleep.

I got home and took my bag off my shoulder. I looked at my mom and fell apart. I cried and cried and cried into her arm. We sat on the couch and I cried more.

I'd never felt anything like this. It was like a constant blow to my lungs. Like air was slowly being taken away. Like my heart slowly being ripped out.

We sat there for what felt like hours. I didn't even get to say goodbye. There was a knock on my door.

Riley! She said she'd come.

I opened the door and she came in. I nodded at mom and we went to my room. I told her everything and started crying again.

"I didn't even say goodbye. I just want to say goodbye." I sobbed.

Riley was crying too. I curled up in my bed with her. I wanted to dissappear. I wanted to say goodbye. I wanted to say I love her. I want her back. I stood up again and riley hugged me. We sat on my bed not saying anything. I heard a knock on my window. Riley had stopped crying but I was still a mess.

"I got it." She says and went to my window and opened the curtains. I hid under the blankets.

"Hey is everything alright?" I hear Farkle say.

"Yeah we were really worried." Zay adds.

"Can we see Maya?" I hear Lucas ask.

She better say no. I shake my head under the covers.

"Now is a really bad time. Maybe in a few days?" She says with a questioning tone.

I reach out my arm and give a thumbs up.

"Right now you guys should leave." She declares.

That's my girl. I taught her well. I hear her close the window. I remove the covers and she sits back down. Her phone starts buzzing.

"Peaches? I'm sorry but I need to go home. Call me if you need anything." She says and leaves.

Finally. Alone. Quiet. Peace.

Gammy had got me through so much. She was always there and I didn't even say goodbye.

I sat in my room for hours feeling numb.

*time skip*
Mom calls me down for dinner. I can barely eat. She tells me I don't have to go to school for the next few days. She beings saying something else but u tune her out.

"Maya? Maya!" I snap back into reality. "She wanted you to sing. Gammy." My mom says. Me? Sing?

"She said she wanted you to sing this" mom handed me a piece of paper.
It was titled "Remember or Forget"

'Car drove off
Airplane flew
I stayed here
missing you
I grow old never see
That you were there missing me
Are we now, what were we then
Will we look back and wonder when
What could have been
What isn't yet
Will you remember or forget?'

I nod my head and agree to sing at the funeral. It would be next Saturday. I go back up and sleep.

(Lucas p.o.v)
I arrive at school on Tuesday and there was no Maya. Riley wouldn't tell us what happened she just kept telling us to 'give it a few days' Maya had never been absent. Almost everyone seemed worried. Even Brandon asked me if she was okay.

I'm not even upset that he asked me about Maya. I'm upset I couldn't answer.

School that day so far had been quiet. Lunch began and I looked at the chair that Maya usually sat it. Empty. I sigh and bite into my sandwich.

Farkle kept tapping his fingers on his desk. He had told us it must have been really bad if she was missing school. The rest of the day was a blur.

*time skip*

I walk in my front door.
"Ma can I go see a friend?' I ask expecting a yes.

'No sorry honey. I need you to babysit." She said.

"But ma it's serious. I'm really worried." I protest

"Can't you face call them or whatever you do on those phones?" Ugh parents.
I sigh and stomp to my room. She wouldn't answer my calls texts or facetimes.

So story time,
I have my friend proof read my chapters and when she saw the title she started screaming "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD DON'T DO THIS TO ME DON'T KILL ANYONE OFF PLEAAASE"
Ha ha sorry girl.
As I'm writing this chapter the attack on Paris is happening and I want to say that my prayers are with you guys and NY supports you

broken pieces ; lucaya {✔️}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن