Derek Lycan

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Dad soon sat down. Nobody spoke, besides Mom, who was quietly interrogating Ein. "I'm done,"I stood up, and picked up my plate."Alright. I'll wash the dishes later."Melissa smiled. I nodded."Aaron, I want to talk to you outside."Dad followed me to the sink. "Okay,"I answered, and we walked past the family to the porch. I sat down on a step, and waited for him to speak. In the meantime, the park across the street was empty in the street-light-lit darkness."Aaron. I didn't know you were gay,"Dad said outright, standing behind me. "I didn't think you'd care. All you care is that I don't talk or have friends."I snapped. "Aaron. This is a serious problem, something you talk to parents about,"Dad continued, ignoring me. "You should've been there for me before now. Look, you should see this as a good opportunity. I can die with the Ultima curse..."I told him. "We both know Melissa would become Ultima,"Dad said in a monotone voice."If you'd been a good parent, I would've know that atleast by 13 years old."I answered. The door opened quietly behind me and Dad,"He should go inside before his ears show. He tends to do that sometimes."It was Ein. Two years ago, I would never have been so happy to see him, or to be saved by him. I walked past my dad, and followed Ein upstairs.

Aaron X Ein FalconclawWhere stories live. Discover now