Harm |Ein POV|

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I ran my hands through Aaron's soft hair. He really was cute, cuter than when I last saw him. And so easy to manipulate. He shuffled a bit, waking up. "Hey baby,"I put my hand against his cheek. He leaned into it, his eyes still half-lidded."Your insane,"The black haired boy said against my touch."Says the guy who fell asleep on me,"I smiled."Shut up,"He sat up. I frowned.

POV Switch~

"Says the guy who fell asleep on me,"Ein smiled."Shut up,"I sat up.I whimpered,as I felt pain on my cheek where I'd just been slapped. Ein stood next to me, the one who'd hurt me. I didn't look at him."Three Strikes Aaron. That's two left."He said, making me nearly shiver. I nodded silently. Someone knocked on the door. Saved by the bell. Ein went to answer it.

Aaron X Ein FalconclawWhere stories live. Discover now