(18)Fort Black (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Nemesis' eyes widened a bit and she leaned up to whisper to me; "Is it safe?"

I looked down at her with reassurance. "Of course. Just stay behind me."

"No, no..." She straightened up and scoffed, dismissing my brotherly love and over-protectiveness with false courage; "I'm fine."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes and yanked her closer. I tugged at her heavy armour, pulling it up over her head.

"Hey!" She yelled at me. "Wha-"

"This shit is too heavy; you'll only slow us down. Leave it here for now." I dropped the clunky, silver chest plate on the snow and my sister started to moan in protest. I tapped Nemesis' head, "Don't argue."

She didn't like being scolded in front of Vikard and his men and even less in front of Dolos, who was snickering to the side with his hand on his hip. I narrowed my eyes at him and snapped a finger to the torches. "They're not going to light themselves."

Dolos sighed and muttered; "Yeah, yeah..."

I finished helping Nemesis out of her weighty armour, while Vikard, Moros and Apate discussed which way we'd enter. I trusted Apate to at least be logical about things and so felt no need to check their decision when Nemesis and I rejoined the group by the black gates.

Dolos quickly jogged up to us, three lit torches in each hand. He handed each of us one and kept the last for himself. I turned to Vikard with cold eyes and scrutinized his expression. "Excited?"

His eyes caught mine and his smile froze a little; "A problem?"

"Hmp." I took the lead and walked up to the twin gates. They were gigantic and rusted along the edges, but the deep black still shined around the middle, where a big 'C' was elegantly melted in.

We stepped through them and into the deadly quiet ruins.

Fort Black; or as it was once known as- Cronus' Palace.

Fort Black; or as it was once known as- Cronus' Palace

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"So I hear your wife is the king's advisor. Does she enjoy spending so many hours with Apollo?" Vikard was trying to pry, while also trying to rub me up the wrong way. I'm annoyed to admit that it had worked.

I kept my tone with him civil and short and gave nearly nothing away. "She can handle him."

Vikard said nothing, just pulled a slightly sheepish face and shrugged, but there was a look of amusement in his eyes.

Shadow was up ahead, scouring the dark passageways with his sharp vision. He didn't need the light of the fire to see; neither did I, but I held my torch in a tight fist, ready to push it up Vikard's nose if he brought up one of my sisters again.

He was a bit of a Casanova- handsome, I suppose. Women flocked around him; he possessed charm, skill and the thrill of danger. I knew a thing or two about those, but Vikard lacked one important thing.

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