Chapter Six

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AN; Yeah, so I have no excuse for updating so late. But please continue reading and COMMENT! I love comments. They make me happy. They make me update. Special shout out to @LeoValdezFlamingFire for commenting! On with the story!


Katie POV

What an eventful few days! The other girls and I decided to have a sleepover at Piper's tonight, to distract us from all this weird stuff. We invited Hazel too, because she's part of group now, and she could use a distraction after we found out Frank is Clarisse's brother. I hear a knocking on the door that takes me out of my thoughts. I grab my stuff and run over to the door.

"Hey Kayla!" I greet. She smiles and waves.

"Hi Katie. Ready for the sleepover?" I nod and we walk over to her car, me locking the door behind me.

"So, what do you think we should do?" Kayla asks. I'm fidgeting with my Daisy ring, like always. Only Travis ever pays attention to it, which is kind of odd.

"Probably watch a movie, play truth or dare, talk about crushes and soulmate possibilities, the usual," I respond, shrugging. Kayla nods.

We get to Piper's house and ring the doorbell. Calypso answers it, smiling and gesturing us inside.

"Hey guys!" Annabeth grins at us. We're all here now, and we get set up on the living room floor in our sleeping bag circle, as always. Piper offers Hazel the spot next to her, in between Piper and Annabeth.

"So, let's start out with The Crush Confessions!" Piper makes us do this every time. Most of us don't mind, and we aren't forced to say if we don't have to. Nobody ever really says their crush, which makes Piper sad, but it's not like she tells us hers.

"I'll start," Piper looks nervous. I think she's actually going to tell us! That means everyone is going to say!

Which means I'll have to confess my long-time crush on none other than Travis Stoll.

"Okay, so, I have a crush on someone in this room," Piper confesses. Wait, Piper likes girls? And one of us? No wonder she didn't tell us! "It's Calypso." Piper looks down in shame, and Calypso looks shocked. Then she smiles.

"Can I go next?" Calypso asks. Piper looks up in confusion, but nods. "Piper, I like you too."

Everybody is still and silent. Then, Piper grabs Calypso and kisses her. Just a quick peck, but it was enough to make both of them go red.

"I guess it's my turn then," Kayla brings us all back to reality. "Well, I like Connor. Stoll. Our friend Connor Stoll."

"No way! I like Travis!" I find myself saying before I can stop myself. I blush, but I guess I was going to end up saying it anyway.

"Well, since we're just blurting it out now, I like Percy!" Rachel pipes up. "Even though he and Annabeth are soulmates..."

"Well, I like Jason, even though he's already met his soulmate, and it's not me," Reyna grumbles.

"I-I like Frank," Hazel whispers. We all give each other looks, like 'knew it' and 'told you so'.

"Well, that leaves you Annabeth. Do you like your soulmate?" Piper pokes her, teasing her about it. Annabeth doesn't seem to appreciate the joke though.

"Well, I'm not sure what I feel for Percy. I mean, he's cute, but I don't know him that well. And him being my soulmate is scary. You usually don't meet them in Highschool, some people never meet them at all," It's just like Annabeth to think logically about having a crush.

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