Chapter One

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Annabeth POV

It's the first day of school, I turn off my alarm and get ready. Light grey sweater, black leggings, and a darker grey scarf with a matching beanie. I walk downstairs for breakfast, when I hear my step-mother scream at me.

"Annabeth! You're going to be late! I can't drive you, you have to walk. So no time for breakfast!" She yells from the kitchen.

"Okay. Bye!" I rush out the door and down the block to where my friend Reyna lives. I knock on the door to her house and her mom opens it.

"Hello, Annabeth! I'll get Reyna. Please, come in!" She ushers me into they're living room, and I wait for a second before Reyna walks into the room with her car keys dangling from her pocket. She's wearing ripped jeans, a purple v-neck, and a black leather jacket. Her hair is pulled up into a messy French braid.

"Hey Annabeth, I'm guessing you want me to drive you to school?" She greets. She is always serious and straight to the the point. That's one of the reasons she and I are such great friends.

"Yes," I fiddle with my pen. Most people don't realize, but I have ADHD.

"Then let's go," She leads me out the door and I climb into the passenger seat of her black minivan.

We chat for a while about the coming school year, and the conversation suddenly switches to the topic of our soulmates.

"Who do you think yours is?" I ask Reyna. Neither of us has met our soulmate. If we had, their initials would be on our left wrist.

"Actually, it turns out I met him this summer, at my summer camp, Camp Jupiter. His initials are JG, but when I saw his wrist, he already had met his soulmate. And it wasn't me," Reyna informs me.

"So, he's your soulmate, but your not his? That's so terrible!" That is one of the worst predicaments to be in. If your soulmate has someone else as their soulmate, your destined to be alone. Poor Reyna!

"Yeah, well, I heard that he goes to Goode High this year too. Same year as us. We're supposedly getting four new students, all cousins," We pull into the parking lot, and I notice our friends are waiting for us. Rachel, Piper, Katie, Kayla, Calypso, Will, Frank, Leo, and the Stoll brothers, Travis and Connor.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Leo runs up to Reyna and I, winking at us. He's smart, but prefers to play pranks and joke around with the Stolls.

"Not much. How are you guys?" I respond as we approach the others. I get a chorus of "Good" and "Fine" and "Okay"'s. Piper, Katie, Kayla, Calypso, Leo, and the Stolls have all met their soulmates. They just don't know who their soulmates are.

Suddenly Piper points to something behind me. I turn and see a dark blue pickup truck pulling into the parking lot. A guy with blond hair and electric blue eyes jumps out and rolls to a standing position just in front of us. The driver of the car, a guy with messy black hair and sea green eyes, walks over to him smiling and shaking his head.

"Jason, you don't always have to show off at every new school we go to," He laughs. So the blondes name is Jason.

"I know I don't have to Percy, but I want to, that's why I do it!" Jason responds. Percy. Seems fitting. Next to them appears a short pale black haired kid with dark brown eyes. On their other side, a girl with cocoa brown skin and curly cinnamon colored hair appears. Her eyes are a beautiful golden color.

"Hello, I'm Hazel. This is my brother Nico," she gestures to the short kid, "My cousin Jason," Hazel points at Jason, "And my cousin Percy," she finishes, pointing at Percy.

"Hello, I'm Annabeth, this is Reyna, Rachel, Piper, Katie, Kayla, Calypso, Will, Frank, Leo, and the Stoll brothers, Travis and Connor," I reply, pointing to each of my friends in turn.

"You!" Reyna is looking at Jason weirdly. Wait, could he be her soulmate, the one from her summer camp?

"Oh, um, hey Reyna. And hi Frank," that's right, Frank went to the camp too.

"Hi. Hi Hazel," Frank smiles sheepishly. I wouldn't be surprised if all of these new kids went to the summer camp.

"Hey Frank! I didn't know you went here!" Percy obliviously exclaims, enveloping Frank in a hug.

"I feel so loved," The short kid, I think his name was Nico, muttered.

"Don't feel bad, Neeks. You kinda stick to the shadows. They probably just don't recognize you," Jason reassures him.

"Don't call me Neeks," Nico mutters and sinks deeper into his aviators jacket. Reyna is still staring at Jason, and he seems pretty uncomfortable. He's definitely her soulmate.

"We should head to class," Calypso breaks the awkward silence, and we all say our goodbyes and head off to class.

I have architecture first, with Leo. I don't know how he skipped a grade, but he did, so now he's in most of my honors classes. Like I said before, he's smart.

-Time Skip-

Lunchtime, and me and my friends sit at our usual table in the back corner of the lunch room. Frank walks over last, with all of the new kids following behind him.

"Hey guys, I was wondering if they could sit with us? I mean, they don't really have any other friends yet, and they all know Reyna and I, so..." Frank trailed off. I gestured to the five conveniently open seats. Frank smiled and sat next to Leo on the other side of the open seats. Next to him sat Hazel, then Nico, Jason, and next to me was Percy.

"Hey there, it was Annabeth, right?" He smiles at me.

"Yes, Seaweed Brain," Seaweed Brain? Where'd that come from, Annabeth?!

Luckily, Percy just laughs and says, "Well, if I'm a Seaweed Brain, then you're a Wise Girl."

I laugh, then see him pull something out of his lunchbox that looks suspiciously like... it can't be... a blue cookie? I glance down at my wrist, which is of course covered by my sleeve, then look back at Percy. He's looking at me weirdly. Then I notice everyone at the table is looking at me weirdly.

"What's wrong Annabeth?" Piper asks. I just shake my head.

"Annabeth, please tell us what's wrong," this time it was Katie. "We want to help you."

I slowly, very slowly, pull up my right sleeve. Then, I pull up my left, and sure enough, there sit the initials PJ. Percy just stares at me, then slowly pulls up his sleeves. An Architecture book sits on his right wrist, and the initials AC sit on his left.

I can't believe it. Percy is my soulmate.

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