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I am well aware that rules are a pain, however for this to run smoothly, there are a few things that I need to set straight. 

 1. Please, no hate and be nice.

2. First come, first serve for slots.

3. If you change your username, or will be on hiatus for a long time, please tell me so I know you're still interested.

4. Forms may be commented, however, to ensure they get to me, you can PM your forms.

5. For your face claim, please try to be original. If you must use someone from the top three (Blackpink, Twice or Red Velvet) please include your reasoning at the bottom of your form and we can discuss it together.

6. Please attempt to be active as much as possible, writing comments and voting, it encourages me to continue writing.

7. Please keep in mind, I am a full time university student, and I may not get back to you straight away. However, I do plan on constantly checking up on the story at least 4 times a week.

8. The password is 'Trust33'. This is not for you to give me your password (please don't give anyone your personal information) this is just so I know that you have read the rules to the very end.

9. If you think any of your friends would like to participate, please don't hesitate to tag them in the comments. 

Thanks for sticking to the end, next are slots. Remember to pick the one you want most and get it in as soon as you can!

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