Chapter 6: Tongxin (Childs Innocence) Part 4

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            Since Little Zhan was the one who started it, it only made sense for him to also help his elder brother make sure that Little Zhuqin did not know he slept in her room last night.  Considering that she had been making fun of him all along, Little Zhan did not want his younger cousin to ridicule him for wearing her clothes or even, for being in a girl's room. 

            "Meng (Dream)," He firmly began.

            "...Meng (Dream)?" Little Zhuqin asked.

            "...Brother told me he saw me in your clothing's in his dream." Little Zhan quickly explained.

            "...Huan ge saw you in my clothing' his dream?"

            "Uh, dui, dui, dui, Zhan shuo de dui (Uh, right, right, what Zhan said is right).  Last night, I dreamed that he was wearing your clothing's.  Uh, he told me about it and I..." Huan added with a nervous smile.

            At this point, Little Zhuqin seemed to become a little convinced that Huan DID have a dream of Little Zhan wearing her clothing's.  But...the elder Lan brother had quite the imagery for him to laugh like that.

            "...You have quite the imagination Huan ge," Little Zhuqin began and laughed just a tad bit. 

            With that laugh, the two Lan brothers let out a somewhat relieved sigh as they know that even though Little Zhuqin was probably not too convinced, they were able to keep her sidetracked for a bit.  

            "Qishi a, wo...shi zhen da haoqi (Actually, I am really curious)," She began.

           Huan and Little Zhan both swallowed their own saliva then held in their own breaths. 

            "...Why would you," Little Zhuqin continued and pointed her finger at Huan.  "...dream of you," She scanned her finger to Little Zhan then pointed at herself.

            "...wearing my clothes?"

            "Ah?" The Lan brothers inquired.

            "Why would Huan ge dream of you wearing my clothes?" The young girl asked again and pointed at Little Zhan as she gave out another laugh.

            It was only an excuse to get by but since the situation had already come to this, the Lan brother just had to go along with their younger cousin's curiosity.

            "Uhm..." Huan began.

            "...Did you forget what Brother said about you yesterday?  He said you were really beautiful right?  Maybe he could not forget about you," Little Zhan made up and looked at his elder brother.

            "Shi ma (Is that right)?" The young girl questioned and looked at Huan who silently kept to himself.  "But why would he dream of YOU in MY clothes?  Could it be..."

            Could it be what (lol)?

            The two Lan brothers did not know what Little Zhuqin was thinking...

            "Could it two..." She continued slowly.

            "...Us...?" Huan and Little Zhan questioned.

            The young girl had thought that since they were blood brothers, there could have been nothing going on between them (AHEM lol).  She had decided that since the day was getting a little more darker by the minute, Little Zhuqin did not want to carry on with the rather, laughable situation. 

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