"What. The heck." He muttered to no one in particular. Nudging towards the front of the crowd, he caught bits and pieces of information.

"-just drove up-"

"-like a band in a limo-"

"-came from off the Isle-"

That bit sparked Virgil's interest. No one came from outside the Isle unless to do an inspection, and even then not so much. Why would anyone from the kingdoms come to a dingy Isle high school?

He rolled his eyes. It was probably some rich princess or lady here to hand out pity packages and get hailed as a self-sacrificing goddess when she returned home. When he finally got a clear view, he was almost certain he was right. Ten trumpet players were all lined up along a red carpet that stretched outside towards a sleek limousine. Only someone apt at throwing money away would arrive like that. The thought of rich idiots like that made him clench his fists.

Surprisingly, though, it wasn't a woman who flounced up the carpet, but a young man with a scroll in hand. He narrowly missed a paper ball thrown at his face and stopped at the end of the carpet. Delicately, the man unfurled his scroll.

"Hear ye, hear ye!" He called out. Dozens of Isle kids snickered. "I have been sent by the Headmistress-"

"What?!" someone called out, "I can't hear ye!" Even Virgil snickered at that one.

The man frowned and continued reading, "-by the Headmistress of Auradon Preparatory Academy, Fairy Godmother! She has instructed me to invite two students from the Isle of the Lost to attend this prestigious school!"

Snickering turned to excited murmurs. Students were calling out that they volunteer, booing and hissing, and overall making too much noise to hear anything.

"Please! Please, settle down!" The hear ye guy called out fruitlessly.

"Out of my way, losers!" Virgil narrowed his eyes as Giles pushed through the crowd effortlessly and stopped in front of the well-dressed man. Everyone began to quiet down and watch what happened next.

"I'm all you need, limo man! You won't need a second student since I'm twice as cool as anyone here." Giles said loudly with a smirk.

The messenger raised an eye. "Who, may I ask, are you exactly?"

"Um, I'm only the son of the best villain in the world. But, I'll let that one slide." Giles struck a pose. "My name is Giles, and my dad is Gaston! Now if you can show me the way to this limo..."

Giles made to walk past him but the messenger man held out his arm to stop the teen. "I'm sorry, but Fairy Godmother sent me to invite two specific students. You are not one of them."

"Check that list again!" Giles yelled as two trumpeters pushed him back, "Who the hell is on that list?"

The messenger cleared his throat. "Logan, son of Hades, the Lord of the Underworld."

Virgil's eyes widened and he desperately looked around for Logan. He finally spotted him across the hall, holding a book and looking stunned. Virgil's only friend was going to Auradon Prep. And for about three seconds, that was the most shocked he had ever been.

"And also Virgil, son of Maleficent, the Mistress of Evil."

He froze. Everyone looked around, clueless of who that could be. He was a nobody, after all. Silently he prayed, prayed that he could remain that way, that nobody would see him. But when he made eye contact with Giles, he knew it was all over.

"You!" Giles pointed at Virgil and growled. Everyone surrounding Virgil backed away from him, and now all eyes were on him. He could hear voices all around him, whispering, talking, yelling, all about him. It was overwhelming. He saw Giles step forward threateningly and all at once his mind screamed "DANGER!"

"GET AWAY!" Virgil yelled, snake-like eyes glowing a vivid green. Everyone in that hall tensed up with fear. Even Giles took a step back. They all knew the power his mother possessed, the power that raged inside of him. Every day he fought so hard to keep it back but now everything in him wanted to let it all out, let it tear the school apart.


His eyes landed on Logan.


His friend.

Virgil remembered himself.

As his eyes cooled to their natural darkness, Logan took his shoulder. "Let's go." his glasses-clad savior spoke. Virgil nodded, and put on his hood. It cast his face in shadows and, more importantly, helped him ignore the looks he got, how the trumpeters avoided him as he trod down the blood-red carpet. He could ignore everyone except the shoes of Logan in front of him.

"Yeah! Don't you two come back!" Giles yelled as the door slammed shut behind them. As Virgil and Logan climbed into that limousine, he knew his bully was right.

He could never come back.


A/N: I write this chapter in dedication of my cat Cinnamon, who died a few days ago. She was kind of an a-hole to me but she let my pet her enough times that I really miss having her around. She also liked playing with my backpack straps and peeing on my bed. She may be gone, but her memory with live forever. Like the pee smell. On my bed. RIP. 

And yes, I am still writing this! I plan to keep writing this until I'm out of ideas. I'll let you guys know if that happens. But, hey, let me know if you liked this chapter.

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