Run Away...Far away

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I have had enough of everyone's bullshit. They want to gone well guess what I'm Fucking gone!!!and I never want to be here ever again... so I packed my stuff and left but I still couldn't leave without my friends so when I put the letters in everyone's rooms I got my stuff and said a final good bye.

Dami:Goodbye, I'll miss you manor.

I managed to run away without tripping any alarms and when I was over the wall I just ran. I didn't care where I went but I just needed to finally be free.

When I stopped running I pulled out my phone. my life was a total hell hole but so were theirs so I would be damned if I had to risk losing the only family I had left so I called dede first.



I said with tears in my eyes.

Dede:Dami baby whats wrong?

She says worried

Dami:Dede I've had enough with our crappy lives here lets leave! Lets just leave this goddamn life, and never look back!!! Let's go somewhere better with you,me,and Olivia!please because we cant keep living like this! FUCK THIS PLACE. FUCK THE PEOPLE IN THIS PLACE!!!



Dede:Lets do it... no one gives a damn about us here. Let's get the fuck out of here. I'll call olivia.

Dami:Y-you mean it?You R-really mean it?

Dede:Of course I do sweetheart.But we need to move quickly, meet me at my house, and I'll start packing.

Dami:Dont worry I'll get olivia.

Dede:Kay remember crazy but free!

Dami:I know.

I hang up and call olivia


Dami:Olivia fuck this place let's go! You, me, and dede. we shouldn't live like this! lets go somewhere far away somewhere where we dont have to be the same somewhere we can claim our lives as our own!

Olivia:Dami are you crazy!? We can't do that!!! Where the hell will we even go!?

Dami: we have to!!! I'm tired of the beatings!!! I'm tired of the drinking!I-Im tired of Dede having sex for booze,I'm tired of drinking to numb the pain...I'm tired of crying myself to sleep olive.... Please...Won't you make a new home with me sis?

Olive:...You know what? Hell yeah. Im in, lets leave. I'm tired of this shit! I want to be free with all of you!!! I'll start packing and I'll meet you at Dedes.

Dami:Yeah meet you there.

I Hang up and start to run to dedes.
I jump dedes fence quietly dede and olivia had known about me being robin and know that I can get into places without getting caught.


Dede:Dami catch!

(she tosses me a bag that has flowers on it and she jumps from her house and lands on leaves).

Olivia:Hey you guys
Olivia jumped the fence to.

Dede:hey. you got your things packed?

Olive: yeah lets finally start something new!

So we start to run

Dami:Hey guys lets go to the park I have something that will help us.

So we go there and I start digging near a tree when I find a blue bag

crazy but free (Damian Wayne)Where stories live. Discover now