Chapter 18

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The year was off to a decent start for everyone. Mother Love Bone was set to release their first ever album next month (March) and the guys couldn't be more excited.
"It's like all our hard work is finally, hopefully, about to start paying off," Jeff said to me one night in his apartment.

But despite all the excitement in the air, things weren't perfect- Xana told me on our weekly lunch dates that Andy wasn't getting any better with his drug use. In fact, he was getting worse. But it wasn't just me she told.
The whole band was aware at this point, according to Stone and Jeff.

Andy was living with Chris right now, so he was aware of the situation as well. Everyone encouraged him to quit, to get help, go back to rehab even, but he shrugged them off.

Today was Friday, February 15th, and the day before my birthday. I was taking off half a day at work, because Jeff and I were leaving town this afternoon. He'd planned a whole weekend getaway for just the two of us.
Sort of a Valetine's Day/Birthday trip. It was our first time to do anything like this, and at first I was a little hesitant when he offered the idea. But now it sounded pretty wonderful.

"I want to make your first birthday here memorable," he'd told me. "And I know the perfect place."
We would be driving up to Lake Crescent- a roughly four hour drive.

The plan was to head out at 2.

When I got back to the apartment, I made myself a sandwich and packed a few last minute things.
I turned out the lights, locked the door, and headed down the hall to Jeff's.

He wasn't home yet, so I sat down on his sofa and turned on the TV.
Of course, it was already tuned into MTV. It's always that or Basketball.
Five minutes passed when I heard the lock turning in the door, and in walked Jeff.

"Oh hi," he said happily. "You're here!"
I nodded, glancing at my watch.
"Of course. It is almost two, after all."

He sat down his things and walked to the couch. I stood and hugged him.

"Just give me a minute and we'll be on our way, ma'am," said Jeff.
I smiled.
"Sounds good, captain."

Jeff disappeared into his bedroom.
On TV, Axl Rose and Slash were being interviewed by Martha Quinn.
"So, Axl, can you tell us when the big day is?" She was asking him.
He smiled coyly. "April of this year," he answered in his deep voice.
I always thought it was funny how different his singing voice sounded.

"Ah," Martha replied. "Well congratulations to you and Erin Everly. I hope to get an invite!" She teased.
"Oh absolutely, Martha. Of course you are invited." Axl gave her a big old wink and another cocky smile.

I rolled my eyes. Rock stars.

Jeff came out of his room, new outfit, luggage in hand.
A picture perfect vacationist.

"You ready, beautiful?"

"I am."
I rose from the couch and walked up to turn the tv off.

Just then, the phone rang.
"One second," Jeff said, and he went into his room to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I heard him ask. "Yeah, mhm."
Quiet for awhile, and then, "Man- I don't know....Okay, I'll ask her. Hang on."

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