Chapter 7

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The late morning sun shown brightly through my living room window, seeming to approve of my new gray walls.

I was sitting cross legged on the floor, sipping lemonade as I was on my self given break. I'd made pretty good progress. It wasn't yet noon and I was already done with the entry way, living room and part of the kitchen. Painting was not my favorite thing to do, but it was so rewarding when you finished. I drank my last sip of lemonade and then got back to work.

Jeff came over after lunch time and invited me to come see Mother Love Bone perform tonight at a small club called The Blue Moon.

I'd been dying to see them play, so of course I said yes. We would ride together and the plan was to leave here at 8:30; the band went on at 9:30. It gave me plenty of time to finish my painting and clean up.
I decided that tonight I would actually take the time to get fully ready.

I started with a bubble bath in hopes to soak off the paint splatters that were all over my legs and arms.

After I got out, I started working on my hair- I decided to straighten it for the first time since moving here.

Every time I did this, it always brought out the lighter blonde shades. For my makeup, I applied a light brown shade over my lids, a little mascara, and then a bright red color for the lipstick.

I thumbed through my closet and tried on a few different outfits before deciding on a sheer, lace black dress.
It was floor length and pretty flattering, if I do say so myself.

I slipped on some strappy black heels, looked in my mirror, and frowned. That just wasn't right. Just then I heard a knock at the door- that would be Jeff.

"Be right there!" I called. I kicked the heels off and traded them for my cherry Doc Martens. Much better.

A few sprays of Perfume, and I went to answer the door. Jeff was looking down the hall when I stepped out, and he did a double take when he saw me.
I laughed as I closed the door behind me. "Hey!"
"Hi," he replied. "Wow you look amazing Heather."
"Oh thanks, this is what happens when I finally have a few hours notice before going out," I teased.
Jeff laughed as we stepped into the elevator.

Once he had loaded his bass guitar and a couple other small equipment items in the back of the bronco, we were on our way.

"Are you excited?" I asked, facing him. He nodded with a grin, but kept his eyes on the road.

"Very. We've played here one other time, but that was awhile back and we've improved a lot since then."
"Well I cant wait to watch you guys. You're gonna do great," I said earnestly.
"Thanks. Maybe you'll be our new good luck charm."

When we arrived at the club, the first thing I thought was that it was very crowded. We had to elbow our way through people just to get in the doors. Once we were inside though, I loved it.
The fresh, youthful energy in the air was tangible.

Jeff held my hand and led me toward the side of the stage. There I was happy to see a few familiar faces.
Andy, Stone, and Matt were standing there, and I noticed they all briefly looked down at our intertwined hands. Jeff set down his bass, let go of my hand and greeted the guys.
"What's up guys!" Andy greeted happily, seeming totally at ease. Andy shook Jeff's hand then hugged me just as he had done last weekend at his house party.

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