Chapter 45

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It was surprisingly warm outside, considering it was early February in Seattle. I found myself sitting cross legged on a picnic blanket, soaking in the warm, winter sunshine. From my spot on the grassy hill at Gasworks Park, I could see everything.
To my right, I had a lovely view of Lake Union; it glistened as if it too was enjoying the pleasant day.

But the best view of all was the one sitting in front of me.

"What are you thinking about?" Jeff asked, a grin on his lips.

"Just what a nice day it is," I answered, smiling as I took a bite of my sandwich. "And wishing I didn't have to go into work this afternoon."

"Me too. But at least we have this time together to enjoy the outdoors for a little bit. And we have tonight!"

"And every night," I reminded him with a smirk.

Jeff laughed. "Oh yeah, sometimes I just forget. Every day it's like an awesome surprise."

"I agree," I murmured, and I reached over to kiss him.

A few days after the fire in my apartment, Jeff proposed the idea of me moving into his place, for however long I needed until I got back on my feet.
After much internal debate, and some unsettled arguments with Xana, I decided to take him up on his offer.
It made sense, considering it was just down the hall, so I still felt somewhat at home. And my work commute, which was only a couple miles away, would stay the same.

In all honesty, I didn't make this decision with any hopes (or fears) about Jeff and I getting back together. We were simply friends, good friends, who knew each other well, and were now roommates.
And that's exactly how it was.

Well, for the first couple of weeks at least.

I don't remember the exact moment, and I couldn't tell you precisely how it happened, but it's like one day I woke up and realized that everything I'd been searching for all this time, was right in front of me all along. And that something, was Jeffrey Ament.

We took it slow initially, falling in love and building a relationship wasn't quite as simple the second go round. I was more careful this time, more cautious, and Jeff realized that. We both had things we needed to work on.

But I was prepared to to do my best this time, and Jeff was content to spend everyday making it up to me for his wrongdoings in the past.

The past, by the way, wasn't something we dwelled on. Why would we, when the future ahead was so bright?

As the new year of 1991 began, lots of fresh, exciting change took place.

For starters, a couple weeks ago Jeff and the boys officially changed their band name. They were all bummed at first,  so I pretended to be, too, for Jeff's sake. But the truth was I couldn't be more thrilled to not have to say Mookie Blaylock anymore!

The new name was Pearl Jam.

Different, I know, but I think it has a certain ring to it.
And besides a new title, things were really taking off for them.

Apparently, Chris had been secretly working on a new album with songs he wrote that were all dedicated to Andy.

He said it would only feel right if the surviving members of Mother Love Bone could be apart of it, somehow.

So after lots of brainstorming and late nights, Chris, Matt, Mike, Jeff, Stone, and even Eddie, all got together and began recording this amazing tribute album.

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