Chapter 37

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I could tell he'd recognized me, so I took a deep breath as I continued to walk toward the bench.

"Hi," he murmured softly.

"Hey," I said quickly, feeling a little nervous, having never been around Eddie alone.

Silently, he scooted over on the bench, leaving plenty of room.

I sat down and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"Nice night out," he noted, glancing up at the sky and then over at me.

"Yeah it is," I agreed and I couldn't help but smile when our eyes met.

Eddie grinned back sweetly.

After a moment or two of comfortable silence, Eddie cleared his throat.

"So. You gonna come watch our first show?"

"A show already?!" I asked excitedly. "When?"

"Monday..." he answered anxiously.

"Wow, that's in like...two days!"

"Oh I'm very aware," he laughed. "I didn't think I'd feel this nervous."

"I would be, too. But it'll be great."

"Mike and Stone and Jeff all feel really confident it will be. But they're all comfortable with each other...with this place. And I'm just like the new kid." Eddie stared at his feet as he spoke.

I shifted my body so that I was facing him. "Yeah but, I've heard you sing, Eddie. You're amazing. You're going to blow everyone away."

He looked up then, his eyebrows knitting together.

"You've heard me sing?"

"I was there when Jeff and Stone played your tape," I admitted, unsure of what his reaction would be.

"Ahhh...I didn't know that," he murmured thoughtfully. "But anyway, thank you for the compliment."

"It's the truth," I said with a smile. "So where's the show going to be?"

Eddie pursed his lips. "I think Jeff said a place called the Off Ramp? Does that sound right?"

"Oh yeah, the Off Ramp Cafe."

"Yeah, that's it! Eight o'clock."

"Well you can count on me to be there," I said with a smile.

"Thanks, Heather. At least I'll have one familiar face to look for."

"That's right," I said, trying to sound nonchalant, but it was difficult when Eddie's deep blue eyes were looking into mine.

"Hey, you got an extra?" he asked indifferently, motioning toward my lap.

I glanced down and remembered the pack of cigarettes I was holding.

"Oh yeah, sure."

I handed him one and then offered my lighter, but he shook his head; pulling his own lighter from his corduroy jacket pocket.

I watched as he placed the cigarette between his lips, then cuffed his hand around it as he lit it. He inhaled deeply, then exhaled carefully away from me.

How many times had I seen someone do the same exact thing, and yet when Eddie did it, it was attractive?

I blinked, looking the other direction, then lit a cigarette of my own.

"I don't mean to pry," said Eddie suddenly, his tone indifferent.
"But I have to ask. Is there something going on between you and Jeff?"

I blinked, surprised by his straightforwardness.

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