Chapter 27

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Outside, the rain came down steadily, and the sound was soothing and tranquil. Inside, it was dark and warm and l was oh so comfortable right where I was. We were in his bed, I was lying on my side and Jerry was snuggled up close behind me with his arm draped lazily over me. I could tell by the sound of his breathing that he'd fallen asleep.

I was tempted to just stay right here and not even bother going in to work.

But I couldn't do that. Especially now that Jen officially had the restaurant portion of the shop up and running, we were busier than ever. I sighed. Being responsible was not always fun.

I twisted around so that I was facing Jerry and lightly kissed his cheek. His eyes remained shut. Of course.

I hated to interrupt such a good nap, so I slowly lifted his arm and slid out of bed.

I put on my rain coat, grabbed my keys, and stepped into my docs. 
And out into the rain I went.

From Tacoma to Easy Street Records was a little over thirty minutes, and my shift started in approximately twenty five. I went as fast as I could go, considering the wet roads.
Coming all the way from Jerry's apartment wasn't exactly convenient, but we took turns on whose place we went to. And today, was my turn to go to his.

Over the last few weeks, we'd sort of become addicted to each other. We'd seen each other almost every day since Jeff and I split. Occasionally we'd eat dinner somewhere or go grab a couple drinks, but we were not dating and we weren't a couple.
There was sort of an unspoken agreement between us early on:
Jerry understood that I wasn't ready for another committed relationship so soon. And I understood that Jerry didn't want a committed relationship right now.
As twisted as it may sound, it was surprisingly and pleasantly un-complicated.
There was only one person who knew about Jerry and I....... it was Jen.
She always loved him the most out of all the guys. I kept that in mind when her repetitive questions about Jerry started to get on my nerves.

Also in the last few weeks, Jeff and I had run into each other in the hallway more than once.
It was horribly awkward and uncomfortable; we didn't speak to each other, just made eye contact for a second and then we'd look the other way. I hated it.

Other than those two situations, my life had pretty much gone back to normal, even if it was a new normal.
Like I mentioned earlier, Jen finally got the little restaurant open and she was right- The customers started coming like crazy! What's better than shopping for your favorite records? Doing so with a milkshake in your hand of course!

It brought the little store to life, and we were very busy. Jen hired two new girls. One was a red head named Amanda and the other was an outgoing blond named Carrie.
We got a long fine, mostly we were just grateful to have the extra hands.

Thankfully the rain let up right as I was pulling into my parking spot.
When I walked inside, Carrie and Jen greeted me. Jen was eyeing me suspiciously, she knew me (and my schedule) maybe a little too well.
If Carrie weren't around, she'd be asking me for the latest on Jerry.

The afternoon passed slowly until about 5:30, and that's when the dinner crowd started to show up and we got busy. Amanda came in around that time and went to work with Carrie in taking all the food orders.

I was on the record side, helping an older customer find a Pink Floyd album when the door swung open and a group of guys walked in.
Normally I don't even look up if I'm already helping someone, but this time I did. And when I glanced over I recognized them all:
and Jeff.

Oh, wonderful.

Discreetly, I watched as the poor members of Mother Love Bone made their way in the shop. Jeff was talking to Greg. He looked okay, I suppose.

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